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Hoosier lore

Bill and Howard

"Great minds think alke" department: The Evansville Courier & Press and The News-Sentinel have very similar editorials about then-mayor Mitch Daniels' efforts to get historian Howard Zinn's book out of Hoosier classrooms and former Education Secretary William Bennett's book into them. This is from my N-S editorial:

Time served

This seems like a pretty big deal, not because it sets a precedent or anything close to it, but because it leaves unresolved questions that might bring more such cases in the future:

Heaven help us

We just can't figure out where to draw that church-state line. There are now three controversies in Indiana alone. First, Indiana and Texas, joined by 21 other states, have filed an amicus brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court for an "unambigious ruling" permitting prayer before legislative bodies without requiring legislative leaders so screen prayers for sectarian references:

Tony's gone


Tony Bennett is expected to resign Thursday as Florida education secretary following two days of raging controversy over a school grading controversy in his home state of Indiana.

Mitch Daniels' gift

Andother defender of Mitch Daniels in the great textbook controversy:

Most Americans would agree that academic freedom is a sacred right of the academy and crucial to the American experiment in democracy. But what is it really?

We have decided not to decide

We ain't telling, so don't ask:

A leading Indiana business organization says it doesn't expect to get involved in what could be a contentious fight next year over whether to add a gay marriage ban to the state constitution.

Yes, you are paying for abortions

Indiana has lost its battle to deny Medicaid funds to Planned Parenthood clinics (at least unless the judge's ruling is overrturned. And let's not have anybody kidding themselves about what it means:

76 reasons to cheer


University officials at Indiana Tech are not worried about lower enrollment numbers at the new law school when it opens next month for the fall semester.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Zinn, the debate

Another classy Hoosier
