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Opening Arguments

On the banwagon

Light wars

Listen up, Tea Partiers and Occupiers. This kind of crony capitalism crap should honk off all of you:

Big Business usually loves it when the GOP goes to war over federal rules.

But not when it comes to light bulbs.

[. . .]

Star power

Sadly, I was not invited:

An all-star list of progressive and liberal media folks came to the White House today to chat with President Obama over coffee in the Roosevelt Room.

[. . .]

Condi's back

This would certainly make the race interesting:

Republican diners haven't yet picked their entree, but they've narrowed it down to the steak or the fish. Still, just as interesting as their main course will be their side selection: Will they go for a drab salad, or something more exciting? Maybe a spicy Rice dish?

Yes, that Rice: Condi. She's rested and ready - and buff.

On second thought . . .

All right, troops. Tenhut! All those ready to get your Indiana automatic refund, take one step forward. Not so fast there, silly Hoosier!

By his own account, Gov. Mitch Daniels never expected his automatic taxpayer refund to kick in while he was in office.

80,000, a good st

Of course, some of us don't think this is quite the tragedy the AP assumes it to be:

State governments across the country have cut more than 80,000 jobs since the beginning of the recession, reflecting steep drops in tax revenue and providing a drag on the economies in many parts of the country, the Associated Press has found.

Please, like us!

We may let ourselves go from time to time, but we sure do know how to clean up for a party:

Indiana political leaders are looking to fast-track sex-trafficking legislation before football fans flood Indianapolis for the Super Bowl.

No. 1

The Associated Press has come out with its top 10 news stories of 2011, based as usual on a poll of U.S. editors and news directors. Do you agree with No. 1?


Dead even

Military matters

Today's pop quiz: Which two GOP presidential candidates have served in the military?

Here's one of them, ripping one of the candidates who didn't serve:

Bill of Rights Day

Oops. We forgot to celebrate Bill of Rights Day yesterday. Not there was much to celebrate, considering the frequency with which our constitutional safeguards are ignored:

Watt a victory!

A quiet end

Speaking of momentous milestones:

There was no triumphalism and certainly no shock or awe. The end of the war in Iraq was subdued and simple: a small band playing as the US forces flag was furled with 200 troops watching on quietly.

All or nothing

So, which is the first group that comes to mind when you think about obstructionists putting up roadblocks on the path to progressive goodness? That's right, Indianapolis Democrats:

An Indianapolis City-County Council committee has snuffed out a stricter smoking ban for the city.

[. ..]

Posted in: Uncategorized

Class act

The General Assembly, having solved all the rest of the state's problems, can now turn to something really important:

Senate Bill No. 84, which has been introduced by Senator Jean Leising, would allow schools to "Participate in an interscholastic athletics association only if the association does not conduct boys' or girls' interscholastic basketball games in which the teams are divided into classes."

Wedding bell blues

Heading toward a momentous milestone:

The proportion of adults who are married has plunged to record lows as more people decide to live together now and wed later, reflecting decades of evolving attitudes about the role of marriage in society.


I just took the Myers-Briggs typology quiz again for the first time in several years. I'm an INTJ, in case you want to know -- Introverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging. I'm practicallly off the scale on "introverted," though, which is no big surprise to me, and I barely register on "Judging," which might surprise some of you. According to the scoring, that makes me a "Mastermind," a description I rather like; who wouldn't? This is supposedly me:

Posted in: All about me


For Amazon, lavish praise. For bookstores, not so much:

The R word

I know I risk inviting a juvenile retaliation here, like, "Oh, he was just being redundant," but I think this warrants notice:

Fort Wayne city councilman, Glynn Hines apologized Tuesday night for a F acebook comment he made earlier in the day.

On his Facebook account, Hines said, "...we must re-elect President Obama or settle for some.....Retard Republican!"
