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Hoosier lore

Good ending

Authorities aren't always sympathetic when someone suffers a mental breakdown, so it's heartening to see this compassion from the Marion County Prosecutor's Office:

An Indianapolis man who prompted a seven-hour standoff with police after he wouldn't come out of his downtown apartment will not be charged.


Knight time

Apparently, Bobby Knight has not rejected out of hand the idea of actually going to Bloomington next month when he is inducted into the Indiana University athletics hall of fame:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Faked out

"We have the real fake."

 "No, no, yours is a fake fake. We have the real fake."

So it goes as both the Heritage Auction Galleries of Texas and the South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority of Indiana claim to have the "authentic" pretend gun John Dillinger used to break out of the Crown Point jail. After several paragraphs of claims and counter-claims, the story notes:

Posted in: History, Hoosier lore

The shakedown

On Tuesday here, I lamented the federal government's blackmail of Indiana over billboard issues. If you think that's too anti-government, you can go to The Journal Gazette's editorial page for the pro-blackmail view:

Demuth said his challenge now is coming up with $2.5 million to update the inventory.


A dog's (and cat's) life

They seem to be having trouble in Indianapolis balancing the humane treatment and public safety parts of their animal control department. Facing accusations of animal cruelty, the animal shelter hired Douglas Rae as the new director, who ended the policy of automatically killing pit bulls and set a goal to cut the euthanization rate from 60 percent to 20 percent.

Not-so-hot stuff

Why isn't there dancing in the streets over this news?

An expected milder winter, along with lower fuel costs, should cut average residential heating expenditures by 8 percent from last year, the Energy Information Administration said Tuesday in its annual winter outlook.

Oops -- busted anwyway.

The Indiana Supreme Court will hear an interesting case that tests the limits on exceptions to the Constitution's unreasonable search & seizure provisions. East Chicago police went to the wrong apartment when searching for a suspect and arrested the man in the apartment when they found cocaine there.


Terre Haute is raising money to erect a statue of Max Ehrmann, a lawyer and sometimes poet who died in 1945. He is best known for the poem "Desiderata" (no, it was not found in Old St. Paul's Church, as the myth had it back in the hippie days). We of the flower-child-naif persuasion were fond of quoting a particular passage:

You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.

Posted in: History, Hoosier lore

Meat a real man

A Hoosier college student pretends to be worried about his masculinity,

I'll be honest. I'm insecure about being a vegetarian.

And a tee-hee, to

One governor gets off a lame joke, and another fires back and even lamer response:
