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Opening Arguments

It's a start

The U.S. House yesterday voted mostly along party lines to repeal Obamacare. The measure will either fail in the Senate or get veoted by President Obama. Everybody knew that going in, but this was an important first step in keeping the debate going so that Obamacare is a major issue in the 2012 presidential race. And on the same day:

Cut, ba

Hu are you?

I was thinking about doing a "Hu's on First" parody, but I checked on line, and somebody already did it, way back in 'O2. Here it is, starring George Bush and Condi Rice

:Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.

George: That's what I want to know.

Condi: That's what I'm telling you.

George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?

Condi: Yes.

George: I mean the fellow's name.


Criminal geniuses of the week:

A gang of teenage thieves looking to get high got a buzzkill instead when they realized a stash of "cocaine" they'd heisted and snorted was not the drug, but a dead man's ashes.

Right now

Whopper of

I wasn't planning to comment on President Obama's promise to "root out regulations that conflict, that are not worth the cost, or that are just plain dumb" because there's no point in debunking such outright hokum. If there's anybody alive who believes Barack Obama can be a deregulator, he probably shouldn't be let out of the house. But maybe there is value in stating the obvious:

We can freeze without getting burned

A fair criticism of Chris Christie and Tim Pawlenty (praised in this post) is that it's easy for them to say the debt ceiling shouldn't be raised because they aren't in Congress and wouldn't have to deal with the consequences. But Sen.

Hate this

If we're going to make "hate crimes" more serious than other crimes and give the perpetrators "enhanced" sentences, shouldn't we do the same for people who falsely claim to be the victims of hate crimes?

CARMEL, Ind. -- The owners of a Carmel deli who claimed they were the victims of a hate crime were arrested in New Jersey this week, accused of arranging the fire that damaged the eatery.

The gay pass

Keep your silly old gay-mariage disputes to yourselves, says the Supreme Court:

The U.S. Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it would not hear a challenge to the District's 10-month-old same-sex marriage law, marking a likely end to legal disputes over gay marriages in the city. But opponents of the law say they will press Congress to intervene, potentially requiring the city to hold a voter referendum.

Reality bites

What is it they say? A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. A liberal is a conservative who just got arrested. I'm neither one of those, but . . .

Song and dance

No matter how much everybody talks about austerity and the need for state cutbacks, there will always be some who don't get the word or don't have a clue:

LINCOLN CITY, Ind. — Some southern Indiana lawmakers say they'll fight to keep funding in the state budget for a park amphitheater where outdoor musicals about Abraham Lincoln are performed.

Beet it

Beets. Is there anything they can't do? Oh, wait. That's chocolate. Or bacon. But anyway:

Stop the Buck here

Another Republican with a bad idea, state Sen. Jim Buck of Kokomo:

An idea is being bandied around the statehouse dealing with another tax which would impact people who live in one county and work in another.

It's called a commuter tax and proponents say it would help pay for roads, police and fire departments.

Dick's delusion

Richard Lugar thinks it would be a fine idea to bring back the Assault Weapons Ban:

Cat call

Screwup of the day:

A pet cat has been summoned for jury duty in the U.S. - and has been told by courts he 'must attend'

Despite owner Anna Esposito's protestations that a mistake has been made, a jury commissioner has ruled that Sal must attend the court.

Sand, meet line

If Republicans and Democrats sit together at the State of the Union address, consider it one more sign of End Times. If they're all more civil and polite, they'll just reach more bipartisan consensus, and that's usually not a good thing:

The Congress must allow the country to borrow more to avoid a debt default that would wreak havoc on financial markets and imperil the U.S. economy, Democratic and Republican lawmakers said on Sunday.


There has been so much speculation lately about Mitch Daniels' potential presidential run that the Mike Pence will he/or won't he has died down a little. But it's back:

An independent campaign to draw GOP Rep. Mike Pence into the 2012 presidential race is under way, with a veteran of the Reagan White House launching a petition drive on Monday urging him to enter the primary contests.


Go to hell, and take your civil discourse with you:

The left wants us to be civil — after being so uncivil for a decade.

Bite me.

GI bill

Outrage of the day:

The Army is struggling to find about 35,000 soldiers, most of them veterans now, who are owed bonuses because they were forced to remain in the military beyond their normal enlistment.

Big dummies

The new congressional leadership has pledged to require a citation of the constitutional justification for any new legislation, which would be comforting if we could believe legislators actually know and understand the Constitution. But, well. Over the last five years, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute has surveyed more than 30,000 Americans 33 basic civics questions, including 10 on the Constitution. Mostly college students were surveyed, but there was also a random sample of adults, including elected public officials.

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