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Opening Arguments

One for two

Analogy alert! In fact, we have a twofer in The Journal Gazette's story about efforts to lure new employers for the workers left behind by Navistar's departure. The first is in the headline, "Navistar workers to serve as bait." While accurate and colorful, it's a little -- what? -- tactless? The second is in the opening paragraph:

Unbuckling the Bible Belt

OK, you cwazy wabbits. Slow down a little before you blow a gasket:

Sex in the Circle City is the best in the country, at least according to a Men's Health survey.

In a list of American cities "where guys have the best sex lives," Indianapolis came out on top as the most sexually satisfied city.

The survey blended several stand-alone factors, such as number of sex toys purchased, STD rate, condom sales and birth rate, and weights those to come up with the list.

Paying for the party

South Bend police have been conducting raids of drinking parties and arresting underage drinkers and taking them to jail, which has many in the Notre Dame community wondering if police are being unfair:

The discussions have been productive, but questions remain about whether police are being tougher on students than in the past and taking them to jail rather than giving them written citations.

Helped to death

Would you people in Washington please stop helping me while I still have a shred of control left over my own life?

First things first

I noted in a post yesterday Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer's views on having a "pragmatic" view of the Constitution. Guess this is what he meant:

But Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer told me on “GMA” that he's not prepared to conclude that — in the internet age — the First Amendment condones Koran burning.

Big and bigger

Charles Murray on the difference between "energetic government" and "unlimited government":

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Branching out


The main library in downtown Indianapolis is going to be closed on Thursdays in a budget-cutting move less than three years a renovation and expansion that cost more than $100 million was finished.

Pay attention

So it's not just texting while driving by teens that we have to worry about:

An Elkhart teen is in critical condition after police say he was texting and biking and swerved into oncoming traffic.

Tough call

There's been a lot of discussion in conservative circles about Charles Krauthammer's (video at the link) invocation of "the Buckley rule" -- support the most conservative candidates who are electable -- regarding the GOP Senate primary race between Mike Castle and Christine O'Donnell in Delaware.

Early outs

This is an interesting idea. I suspect so few students will take advantage of it that some of the potential negative results (such as the schools losing the funding) won't be much of a problem:

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is proposing a three-year graduation plan, with a reward for those who speed thru their secondary education.

The real world

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is one of the court's "living document" adherents rather than one of the originalist members. In his new book "Making Democracy Work," he calls it "pragmatism."

Jerry's jest

Why apologize for a joke when it speaks the truth?

SACRAMENTO -- It's a withering television ad that has created the first storm of the gubernatorial race: Then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton eviscerating Jerry Brown in a 1992 debate, accusing Brown of lying about whether he raised taxes as governor.

In the race

The Indianapolis Star's Matthew Tully is tired of the will he run/won't he run coyness about Mitch Daniels and the presidency and believes the evidence is pretty clear that he is running:

Daniels, of course, insists he has only cracked open the door to a run, and that he's done that only to appease his supporters. Time and again, he has said he is not running.

But he is.

It's a coal, coal world

Indiana is said to be killing some of its residents with soot:

An environmental group's national report said pollution from Indiana's coal-fired power plants will cause an estimated 550 premature deaths in the state this year.

The report from the Clean Air Task Force ranked Indiana fifth in the U.S. in per capita mortality risk from pollutants that create lung-choking soot. The elderly and people with respiratory disease are most susceptible to such pollution.

Mad evil

Under Indiana law, prosecutors can't seek the death penalty against Andrew Conley of rural Ohio County because he was only 17 when he killed his 10-year-old brother.

School's in forever?

The Indianapolis Public Schools system is toying with the idea of year-round school:

Indianapolis Public Schools Superintendent Eugene White has informally proposed year-round school as a way to reduce "summer learning loss." But its merits have long been a source of debate. And it's an idea that, while tried elsewhere, is not common in Indiana and not always popular with parents or kids.

A slight oddness

Here's an idea: Let's replace Chicago thug politics with Chinese thug politics!

Turn out the lights

Hello, good Bayh

My prognostication skills don't seem to be improving. When Evan Bayh announced his retirement from the U.S. Senate, there was a lot of speculation that he might be interested in being governor again. I pooh-poohed the idea and expressed doubt that Bayh would take a "been there, done that" route. Apparently, I was a little hasty:

Expect Sen. Evan Bayh to announce a run for governor after the first of the year, a supporter says.

Getting dth

Judging from the negative reaction from the governor's office and legislative leaders from both parties, this seems like a tough sell, thank goodness:

The Indiana Fiscal Policy Institute, a nonpartisan government research group, determined that the state could face a $1.3 billion deficit in the next budget year if the economy does not drastically improve or if deeper spending cuts are not made.

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