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Hoosier lore

Steak out

The way the economy has been struggling, you'd think this wasn't the time to lauch a "national branding" for an emerging chain of high-end steakhouses, esecially one originating in Fort Wayne, Ind. But more power to the folks at Eddie Merlot's:

Eddie Merlot's is taking the next step, or perhaps 11 smaller steps, in creating a national brand.

Hell's waiting

This week's nominees for the Eighth Circle of Hell (the Seventh is for the merely violent:

Indianapolis police have received reports that one or more people have been going door to door in Indianapolis soliciting money for an injured officer


OK, God works in mysterious ways, but a bullet-proof watermelon?

Police later showed Thompson the path the bullet took through her car. She now believes that path was guided by God.

The name game

Oh, well. At least somebody tried:

The Indianapolis International Airport board on Friday reaffirmed their plan not to rename the airport after Col. Harvey Weir Cook, an aviator in both world wars.


Instead, the road leading to the new terminal building and the terminal itself will be named after the colonel, 6News' Julie Pursley reported.

Posted in: History, Hoosier lore

Easy commute

Wave of the future?

A Virginia company today announced it will hire 480 people to work in a "virtual" call center - their own homes.

N.E.W. Customer Service Companies will hire customer reps from Terre Haute and surrounding west-central Indiana cities over the next three years.

Out of the pool and into the court

Anybody left who still pretends the Olympics are about international good will and the purity of amateur competition?

Gold medalist Laura Wilkinson has sued to gain a synchronized diving spot that would remove Elwood's 15-year-old Mary Beth Dunnichy from the U.S. Olympic team.

[. . .]

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Good news for the lottery

Mob enforcers Police officials quickly muscle out the competition do their duty to keep a high moral standard in the state:

Officials have shut down a central Indiana business where they suspect patrons were illegally playing poker for money.

Nice work if you can get it

What's wrong with this picture?

ALBANY — Senator Joseph L. Bruno, who led the State Senate for 14 years, has offered many reasons why he is leaving the Senate by the end of the week after a public career of four decades.

[. . .]

There is another factor to consider, though.

Mr. Bruno, a Republican, is likely to get a significant raise from the state by retiring.

Praise be

Here's a line from a story in the Richmond paper,

Richard Bryant ordinarily accepted his kudos for victories on the football field as coach of the Red Devils

and a quiz. What's wrong with the following sentence? The kudos received by the coach is much deserved.

Give up? Nothing. It was a trick question. You know, if it weren't for newspapers, that word would have died out a long time ago.

Judging the judge

Anybody have any sympathy for Judge Kenneth Scheibenberger, who now faces formal charges of judicial misconduct before the Indiana Supreme Court? I have some:
