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Hoosier lore

Road warriors

This sound like a good idea?

NEW ALBANY, Ind. - A southern Indiana city has taken its first step toward banning charities from collecting money from motorists at intersections.

[. . .]

Retail thuggery

Heard a story once that may be apocryphal but is so good it should be true even if it isn't, so I've used it anecdotally in editorials several times. It's the one about the famous department store that got its start as a pushcart vendor whose owners, on achieving success, made a priority of having pushcarts outlawed. Now here's the real thing:

Green gone

Another green-energy fantasy crashes into reality:

— The town of Reynolds has one stoplight, one gas station, 533 residents, 150,000 pigs and was once touted as BioTown USA, a place where then-Gov. Mitch Daniels visited after taking office in 2005.

Wild things

I really wasn't going to comment on this, but it's been getting international attention, and now even the governor has weighed in:

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has asked for a briefing on the case of the Connersville couple being prosecuted for illegally possessing a deer they rescued and tried to raise until it could be returned to the wild, but he said it appears conservation officers “acted appropriately.”

Hunting for trouble

Solution in search of a problem:

(Indianapolis, Ind.) - Indiana lawmakers are again considering a constitutional amendment that would guarantee Hoosiers’ right to hunt.

 The proposed amendment earned statehouse approval two years ago. If it passes the legislature again this year, it would go to the ballot for Indiana voters to decide in 2014.

Diverging paths

I think the Washington Post's Dana Milbank has created a false choice here between "temperance" and "extremism":

For a dozen years, Paul Ryan and Mike Pence were Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives and fellow soldiers in the conservative movement. Last week, they parted ways: one toward temperance, the other toward extremism.

Thrown for a loss

If you don't have the resources to fight back, it's easy to be bullied, and the NFL certainly knows how to do it:

ANDERSON, Ind. — Roy Fox, an entrepeneural Indianapolis Colts fan, says he was sacked by the National Football League before he could even test the market for his "Harbowl" T-shirts, hats and other merchandise..

House call

You go, girl! Er, well, hold on a sec . . .

Police in northwestern Indiana say a 16-year-old girl allegedly drove 60 miles to beat up another girl who spread rumors about her on Facebook.

Can't party without a hat

News you can use:

The common myth that condoms hinder sexual pleasure has been debunked, with research showing they have no effect on the enjoyment of sex.

Sober Sundays

I participated in the annual legislative preview panel discussion on Channel 39 recently, and we were each asked to predict what might make big news in the session that's not on anybody's radar right now. I chose Sunday liquor sales. Since we're now the last state in the union that allows no package sales at all on Sunday, maybe this is the year the powerful liquor store lobby will be beaten back.
