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Hoosier lore

Lincoln life

Thank goodness Abraham Lincoln just grew up here, so Indiana can stay out of this little Kentucky-North Carolina tiff:

A group in Rutherford County, N.C., opened the Bostic (N.C.) Lincoln Center and is petitioning the federal government to run a DNA test of Lincoln's father, Thomas, to see if it matches some of the 16th president's saved genetic material.

Posted in: History, Hoosier lore

Yard work

The neighbors are complaining, which is why this is a story. But it seems sort of creative to me:

Jim Downs and Pat O'Brien said they did not want to cause a controversy when they covered their Merrillville front lawn with green indoor/outdoor carpeting.

[. . .]

Clean and sober prom

Good idea:

 After an alcohol-fueled "embarrassment" at least year's prom, Whiting High School students may face breath tests at prom Friday.

Whiting School Board members voted unanimously Monday night to authorize breath tests at school functions. The measure allows sobriety tests at a slate of school functions, but prom was clearly the board's concern.

Remember that ID

Indiana's Voter ID law gets a 6-3 passing grade from the Supreme Court:

A majority of the justices were persuaded that combating voter fraud and preserving the integrity of the polling place were important enough objectives to justify the ID law.


On the war path

Hillary Clinton in Indiana, dsiplaying as little understanding of the global economy as Barack Obama, or at least a similar unwillingness to talk honestly about it:

Bayh's gamble

If Hillary Clinton loses Indiana, Will Evan Bayh also be a casualty? The Politico explores the issue:

Not to be


Do as I say, not as I do?

With his state's critical primary in two short weeks, Democratic Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh -- a strong supporter of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton -- has been leaning on the Hoosier State's freshman House members to stay on the sidelines rather than endorse Sen. Barack Obama.

No cheap date

Awww, the poor babies:

PENDLETON — The dress, the hair, the limo, the dinner.

It's never cheap to go to a high school prom.



The FBI is trying a new tactic in suburban Indianapolis to catch some of its most wanted
