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Opening Arguments

Foot foot in mouth mouth

There was some talk that Sarah Palin might be offered her own talk show. But, really, wouldn't we be more entertained if Joe Biden got one?

Telling voters in this swing state that "change is on the way," the Democratic vice presidential candidate offered one of his now-expected random introductory tangents.

Dirty vegetable lover!

I had thought some of the campaigning so far this year was about as dirty as possible, but this is really beyond the pale:

HELENA - Republican gubernatorial candidate Roy Brown this week accused Democrats of spreading a false rumor that he is a vegetarian in this meat-loving state.

"I am not and have never been a vegetarian," Brown said.

It will never end

Election Day myths: The Republican Party will benefit from some time out of office. A Congress and a White House unified under the control of a single party will function more efficiently. If Obama wins, our standing in the world will improve immediately. And this:

A matter of conscience

A small-l libertarian's voting dilemma:

Barr isn't the sort of candidate I'd pull the lever for in any other circumstance. But I don't live in a swing state where voting for the Libertarian is effectively the same as a voting for Obama (who—for me anyway—fails the libertarian lesser-of-two-evils test).

A sobering thought

Today's quiz: What do Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Utah, West Virginia, Alaska and Massachusetts have in common?

7 States prohibit the sale of alcohol on state and national Election Days. This restriction is a relic of the Prohibition era when saloons sometimes served as polling stations. The only states that still cling to statewide Election Day sales bans of alcohol at restaurants, bars and package stores . . .

Mac attack

John McCain finally made it to Indiana -- at least to the Indianapolis airport:

McCain spent much of his 20-minute speech attacking Obama's policies, arguing that Obama would raise taxes and increase spending.

"I'm not going to spend $750 billion of your money bailing out Wall Street bankers and brokers who got us into this mess. Senator Obama will," he said.

Be nice

The Internet is full of meanness? Who knew?

There's a whole world of people out there, and boy, are they pissed off.

On political blogs, the invective flies. Posters respond to the latest celebrity gossip with mockery or worse. Sports fans set up Web sites with names that begin with "fire," hoping coaches, athletic directors and sportscasters lose their jobs.

Posted in: Weblogs

Our turn

Intolerant nonsense

OK, granted, this is a "complicated" story. Anybody who wants to put a Jesus statue or any other religious icon outside his patio door is free to do so. It's part of our heritage -- both of religious freedom and freedom of expression. But if you live in an apartment, the place isn't yours -- you have to abide by the landlord's rules, even if he says to keep your Jesus inside. What got my attention were the dictates of federal fair housing laws:

As Vigo goes . . .

More on the bellwetherness of Vigo County, which has been correct in every presidential election but two since 1892:

Tom Steiger, a sociology professor at Indiana State University, said one plausible theory is that the county's population -- and therefore its culture -- has been very stable, with no large influx of new residents and no big population losses.

Rolling Barack expectations

We can only hope

Barack Obama's senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations for his presidency if he wins next week's election, amid concerns that many of his euphoric supporters are harbouring unrealistic hopes of what he can achieve.


Is there anything they can't do for us while we stay in the car?

WARRICK CO, IN - Without even getting out of their car, hundreds of Warrick County residents got their flu shots on Saturday.  The Warrick County Health Department says drive-thru vaccinations were such a big hit last year that they are offering it again this fall.

Man, that's lazy. Still waitin' for that drive-thru shot-and-a-beer.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

They're heeere!

Why Indianapolis is a boom town:

Forget Miami, Los Angeles and New York--America's newest immigrant capitals are the country's recent boom towns.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

It's all out there

It's been a while since I updated my blogroll, so I just added about 20 more local blogs. That doesn't begin to cover the local blogosphere -- it's growing all the time. But I tried to include a representative sample of all that's out there among the ones that are updated on a regular basis. There are, for example, a couple of mostly food blogs. There are some good sites for local photos.

Posted in: Our town

lol Dutch

If you grab a shot with your cell-phone camera of your cat doing something cute, you have to turn it into an lol-cat creation. I think it's a state law. I snapped this one of Dutch relaxing in his favorite chair and giving me a stern look.

Posted in: All about me

Dazed and confused

This has been the longest presidential campaign ever. We know about the two candidates' positions, opinions and backgrounds than we probably know about our own family histories. And yet:

Boffo socko jack-o

Posted in: Current Affairs

Rocks and stones

I never got this:

Sometime after midnight, nearly 200 people will throw toast at The Artists' Studio stage.

Though some consider throwing food to be poor manners, it's all part of the fun of "The Rocky Horror Show LIVE!" which encourages audience participation.


I say stuff here just to say stuff, then other people say stuff, and we have a real good time. But this is just blogging, which doesn't amount to much in the long run. People who are running for governor shouldn't say stuff just to say stuff, and too often that seems like what Jill Long Thompson is doing. Like here:

Closing time

Is this election over with yet? Did I just hear last call?

Oh, and are all you people who think you're going to bed with a 10 prepared to wake up with a 2?
