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Yes, he certainly is sorry

Well, hell, then, as long as you're sorry, guess we'll just let you go:

Pte First Class Bradley Manning has apologised for hurting the US by leaking a trove of classified US government documents to Wikileaks.

At a sentencing hearing in Fort Meade, Maryland, Pte Manning, 25, said he had mistakenly believed he could "change the world for the better".

Posted in: Current events

Game of the names

This is a bit of judicial overreach, don't you think?

Martin from Messiah, saying the religious name was earned by one person and "that one person is Jesus Christ."

At it again

One a birther nut, always a birther nut:

During an interview for “This Week,” real estate mogul Donald Trump questioned whether Texas Sen. Ted Cruz would be eligible for the White House given his Canadian birth.

Common sense isn't mandatory

Throw him a (land) line

A slight oversight


What goes up must walk down.

In what will surely go down in history as one the greatest architectural blunders, the town of Benidorm in Alicante, Spain, had almost completed its 47-story skyscraper when it realized it excluded plans for elevator shafts.


Coffee carry-in

Guess where the safest place to be in America is today:

Pro-gun advocates across the nation are planning to gather in Starbucks’ stores today to show their appreciation for the company’s decision to allow weapons inside its locations in states where it’s legal.

Hyper-caffeinated and packing heat. Awesome.

Resistance is futile

Might as well send invitations to the burglars and assorted creeps -- "No resistance here":

CASTLE ROCK - Retired Marine Art Dorsch says his Second Amendment rights are in danger.

His apartment complex, the Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock, sent out a notice telling all residents to get rid of their guns.

I did it, so there!
