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Opening Arguments

Time in a

I don't why this strikes me as being so funny, but it does:

ELKHART — This city is ready to open a time capsule from 1958, but no one seems to know exactly where it is. Some think it's in a downtown park, some say it's under a sidewalk, and others doubt it even exists, The Truth of Elkhart reported.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

A night off

Pssst, guys. Don't know if you've heard, but a lot of the gals are going to be out of the house next Thursday evening, the 18th. They're going to Headwaters Park for the annual WMO -- Woman's Night Out -- for food and drink and shopping and entertainment and all that stuff. The Web site says this:

Isn't it about time you had a night with . . . no obligations,

Posted in: Our town

Spank me

As you know if you read the attached comments, I let my imagination get the better of me when I did a post yesterday about a local high school that bans any T-shirts with double meanings, including the infamous "Ball U" shirt that so embarrasses Ball State University officials. I saw "one Fort Wayne high school" in the news story, and my brain interpreted that as a Fort Wayne Community Schools school. The school in question is Carroll, which, of course, is a part of Northwest Allen County Schools. Many thanks to all of who who were kind enough to point out the error.

Girls without purses

It may sound sexist to even say this, but I've never known many women in my life -- and I mean from the most liberal of them to the most conservative, the most devout to the most agnostic, the most traditional to the most liberated -- who would ever go anywhere without their purses. Good thing schools weren't so security-conscious when they were growing up:

Late for school

Young, dumb and dangerous:

Indiana State Police say a 17-year-old girl stopped for driving 118 mph on Interstate 65 told the arresting officer she and her friends were headed to school.

Police stopped the 2000 Toyota Celica driving south on I-65 near Merrillville at about 6:30 Wednesday morning. There were three teenage boys in the car besides the girl, who was driving. Police say all four tested positive for alcohol.

Not done with property taxes

Some intriguing ideas on taxes were presented to an interim study committee of the General Assembly this week:

Under one plan, the state's 7 percent sales tax rate would be lowered to 5.5 percent and be applied to all services except medical and legal. Young and Waltz said that would raise enough money to replace $2.2 billion in property taxes that homeowners pay.

Feed the pig

The era of saying "the era of bg government is over" is over:

Short memories

Never forget. But it's been seven years, and we have:

Seven years ago, the roar of exploding planes and the spectacle of collapsing buildings riveted the nation's attention on a single topic, terrorism - and in the terrible aftermath, it seemed that focus would never waver.

Charter members

Here's an issue I agree with Barack Obama on:

 Barack Obama is promising to double funding for charter schools and replace inferior teachers, embracing education reform proposals normally more popular with Republican candidates.

That pig won't fly

Everybody else in the free world is weighing in on the "lipstick on a pig" flap, so I might as well wade in, too.

1. Of course he meant it as a sly dig at Sarah Palin, as the reaction to it makes clear:

The crowd apparently took the "lipstick" line as a reference to Palin, who described the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull in a single word: "lipstick."

Kim Jong Illlll

Enemy of the good

The spotlight on Trig Palin at the GOP convention, writes Michael Gerson, comes at a time when we need to have a civil-rights debate about those who are born "less than perfect." Of the cases of Down syndrome diagnosed by prenatal testing each year, about 90 percent are eliminated by abortion. And the American College of Obstetricians recently recommended universal early testing for Down syndrome, not just for older women. Some say increased screenings will reduce the number of Down syndrome births to fewer than 1,000 a year, compared to the 5,500 a year we now have:

Retirement plan

I heard a lot of people talking about this story today, along the lines of, "What else don't we know yet?"

Jene A. Chadwell is accused of stealing axle assemblies, bolts, bearings, brackets, discs, gears, nuts and plates. Chadwell, who didn't return a request for comment Monday placed through a relative, has been charged with receiving stolen property.

The pro speaks

Guess that silly "Is Sarah Palin experienced enough?" debate is over:

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, who flirted with running for president as an independent, tells Newsmax that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is too inexperienced to serve as vice president.

“Now here she is, after not even having been there for two years, she's now going to be the VP!?” asked the 57-year-old actor and former pro wrestler.

Dead wrong

No guarantee the the Supreme Court will revisit the spectacularly incompetent 5-4 decision in the Kennedy v. Louisiana case last term, but it has at least set up that possibility:

In a rare move, the Supreme Court said it might reconsider its June decision that struck down the death penalty for crimes that fall short of murder, after a law blog revealed that the government left out a fact that would have bolstered its argument that executions for such offenses are constitutional.

Going BALListic

A few things: 1) I'm a graduate of Ball State University,  2) I'm a product of Central High School, which also produced Fort Wayne Community Schools Superintendent Wendy Robinson, and 3) Wendy and my younger brother Larry were Central contemporaries, friends even, which means I probably know more about her than she wishes I did.

Fairly wrong

Dismaying evidence that those on the left are very unclear on the constitutional concept:

While 82% of voters who support McCain believe the justices should rule on what is in the Constitution, just 29% of Barack Obama's supporters agree. Just 11% of McCain supporters say judges should rule based on the judge's sense of fairness, while nearly half (49%) of Obama supporters agree.

14 years for free?

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education has some good ideas for prodding our public universities to emphasize graduation instead of just trying to boost admission. We're 10th in the nation in the percentage of high school graduates who go right to college but only 27th in the percentage who graduate in four years. This, though, is perhaps the most interesting idea:

Seven years later

Let's just savor the moment:

In a moment of bipartisan unity, Senators John McCain and Barack Obama will come together at Ground Zero in New York City on Thursday to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

The two campaigns issued a rare joint statement on Saturday announcing the plans of the Republican and Democratic rivals. They also will appear together at a forum later that day at Columbia University.

No relief in sight

Poor Ralph Nader. Once, he mattered. Now, he's reduced to appearing at a Cracker Barrel in northwest Indiana:

These days, the 74-year-old champion for the people looks like just another old suit on a dusty hanger in the back of a long-forgotten closet, both figuratively and literally.
