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Hoosier lore

We love our fans

Everybody is blaming everybody else for the deaths and injuries from the Indiana State Fair stage collapse. This one is getting the most attention right now:

Attorneys for country duo Sugarland said concertgoers were at least partly to blame for injuries suffered in a stage collapse, drawing a sharp reaction from fans Tuesday and prompting the band's manager to issue a statement criticizing the finger-pointing.

Pistol-packin' Mamas

According to a new Gallup poll, 23 percent of American women say they own a gun, up from 13 percent in 2005, a number that includes 50,000 Hoosier women who have received gun permits over the past three years. And a lot of them are apparently taking lessons: "We have a joke in the industry that all men are born with the John Wayne chromosome," said Bob Meyer, a gun safety instructor. "They think they can shoot from birth, and a woman is more willing to listen."

This is an interesting point:


If exaggeration is a crime, this is a felony:

At first glance, the numbers look impressive.

Indiana University's yearly economic impact on the state: $4.9 billion. The impact of its health programs: $6.6 billion.

It's party time!

From ABC-TV's The Note blog, an entry headlined "Thanks to Texas and Pennsylvania, GOP Race Could Last Nearly Forever"

We deserve this break

It was Judge Gideon J. Tucker (not mark Twain) who said, "No man's life, liberty or property are safe when the legislature is in session." He would have approved of this:

The Indiana General Assembly might adjourn for the year as soon as March 9, five days earlier than its mandatory adjournment date.



Hey, we don't need no stinkin' photo IDs:


"Let's not beat around the bush: The ... voter photo ID law is a not-too-thinly-veiled attempt to discourage election-day turnout by certain folks believed to skew Democratic."

Blog buzz

Couple of interesting items elsewhere in the Indiana blogosphere. The propsoal on creationism died in the House after passing the Senate, and Doug at Masson's Blog notes that the Associated Press continues to misreport the story thusly: "A bill that would have specifically allowed Indiana’s public schools to teach creationism alongside evolution in science classes has been shelved by the leader of the Indiana House of Representatives."

Gun illogic

Remember Ryan Jerome, the ex-Marine from Indiana who could face more than three years in prison for trying to turn his legally-registered-in-Indiana gun in at the Empire State Building? Apparently realizing what a public relations disaster they have, prosecutors are offering a no-jail misdemeanor plea. But Jerome and his attorney, Mark Bederow, want an even better deal:

Super Bowl bust out

When everybody was gushing about all the effects from the Super Bowl that would spread out all over Indiana, this probably wasn't what they were thinking of, huh?


That epicenter was the Super Bowl which took place in Indianapolis on February 4th.
Since then, there have been 13 reported cases of measles.

Dr. Bohlin said patients won't see symptoms for about 7 to 14 days after they are infected.

Homeward bound

Chris Chocola, former Indiana congressman and president of the Club for Growth, writes in the National Review that it's time to bring Richard Lugar home:
