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Hoosier lore

Expensive whim

Hey, when you play the Hoosier Lottery, you're not just wasting hard-earned money on a fool's dream of striking it rich. You're also investing in things all Hoosiers benefit from, like infrastructure and education and other vital services.

Oh, and this

:The Hoosier Lottery's new Meridian Street headquarters may not look like much from the outside, but inside, it's impressive.

What, again?

Oh, goody:

La Niña, a periodic weather phenomenon in which the central Pacific Ocean around the equator cools by at least 1 degree below normal, appears set to once again bring severe winter weather to the Midwest, including Indiana, as it did last winter, associate state climatologist Ken Scheeringa said Tuesday.

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Bad medicine

Stay outta here, hippie scum, and putcher maryjuaaana where the sun don't shine:

Indianapolis airport police say they'll destroy medical marijuana seized from a breast cancer patient from California who was boarding a flight.

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We can't afford this

"Affordable" doesn't mean quite what it once did:

Researchers at Indiana and Cornell universities say that how the federal government defines "affordable" could leave millions of dependents of low and moderate income workers without reasonably priced insurance under the federal health care overhaul.

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Losing is winning!

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell sees the upside of losing:

On whether it's better for the NFL to have the host city's team in the Super Bowl, or to have two outside teams:

"First of all, it's never happened where a Super Bowl host city has also had a team in the big game. That would be a different dynamic," he said.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Ever had a five-way?

A sex researcher at Indiana University reveals "five ways better sleep leads to better sex."

Rats -- I hit what I aimed at!

Here's an odd one. It's common for legislators to not read proposals carefully enough to know exactly what they're passing (note, for example, the recent law that ordered noncompetitive races taken off the ballot, apparently to everyone's surprise). But here's a legislator dismayed to discover that a bill he authored resulted in exactly the kind of activity his bill made possible. The legislation in question is the law that allows Hoosiers to carry firearms in public locations such as parks, libraries and some municipal buildings, written by State Sen.

Our amusing economy

Hallmark says these new cards are selling well, which is either a sign we've accepted the "new normal" or that we've become totally dependent on superficial, secondhand banalities in our interpersonal communications:

In the business of selling sentiments, there's a card for everything, from traditional occasions to unique needs: cards with sound, cards for holidays, cards for losing a tooth.

But losing a job?

Hick alert

Well, good luck on getting any police cooperation with your investigation in the future:

Deatch watch

Members of the Indianapolis Newspaper Guild have lauched a "Save The Star" campaign complete with downdown billboard, an effort that can most charitably be called misguided:

Bemoaning years of job cuts and pay freezes, the guild is going public with its disdain for Gannett, which owns the Indianapolis Star and 80 other community newspapers, along with USA Today and other publishing businesses.

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