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Hoosier lore

The latest Mitch pitch

Does this seem unlikely to anybody but me?

INDIANAPOLIS — Since he decided against running for president in May, Gov. Mitch Daniels has given more interviews on national television than when he still was considering a run.

Although he has said no to the top of the presidential ticket, he has not ruled out running for vice president.

War wounds

In case you missed it last week, former Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmith resigned from his position as deputy mayor of New York City after being arrested in their Georgetown home for domestic violence. After Margaret Goldmsith said to him, "I should have put a bullet into you years ago," he shoved her into a counter, smashed a phone and held her for some moments. She called the cops. But by the time they got there, she had changed her miind and said she didn't want her husband arrested. However, under Washington, D.C.

It's al

(Note: I wrote a column about work back in 2003 that I just re-read and still like. So here it is, in celebration of Labor Day on Monday.)


There's a guy who visited with our editorial board a time or two several years ago. He'd worked for whoever was mayor at the time, then became involved in some government job-training program.
    ``Our goal is not just to get people jobs,'' he told us once, ``but good jobs, something besides being a janitor.''
    He didn't exactly sneer when he said it, but the disdain was there in his voice.

Road warriors

Padding their expenses


Indiana legislators could soon be using iPads for their legislative work hoping to save on paper.

A legislative study committee members will use iPads given to them by the state Legislative Services Agency and work with them the next two months as part of a test run. The members must provide feedback daily using a suvey the LSA created.

Altered states

The new yearly survey shows alcohol use by teens is down -- continuing a years-long trend -- but the use of marijuana and smokeless tobacco is up. Statewide programs on underage drinking are credited with the good alcohol news. And:

Stewart said the upward trend in marijuana use by teens could be explained by media attention paid to legalizing the drug for medicinal purposes.

Turn out the lights . . .

The core of the Indianapolis Colts is aging fast, and the team doesn't have the young talent to replace it, so the team's remarkable run of 10 or more wins each season since 2002 may be over:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Be careful out there

Indianapolis may join the growing list of cities with restrictive police pursuit policies:

The chase that ended in the deaths Tuesday of two suspected car thieves would have been banned under a new pursuit policy under review by the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department.


Sen. Richard Lugar is right on this one -- the U.S. government needs to get out of the sugar business:

Political survivor

Not sure what I think about this:

(Indianapolis, Ind.) - “Survivor” fan favorite Rupert Boneham is hoping he is just as popular with Indiana voters as he was with viewers.

 The former reality show contestant announced Tuesday he is entering the race for Indiana governor. Boneham has filed paperwork to establish an exploratory committee as a Libertarian candidate in 2012.
