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Opening Arguments

It's all about location

I think I've said here once or twice (and on the editorial page as well) that you learn how strong your commitment to federalism is when it's applied to an issue you feel passionately about. Are you willing to let states decide on abortion even though you think it's a murder no matter where it's committeed? Are you comfortable with local choice for gay marriage even though you believe it should be the law of the land everywhere?

It's all about location

I think I've said here once or twice (and on the editorial page as well) that you learn how strong your commitment to federalism is when it's applied to an issue you feel passionately about. Are you willing to let states decide on abortion even though you think it's a murder no matter where it's committeed? Are you comfortable with local choice for gay marriage even though you believe it should be the law of the land everywhere?

Best buzzer-beater ever

This clip has really been making the rounds, so I wanted to give you the opportunity to see it here if you missed it elsewhere. Besides, how can I not post about something this cool?

Posted in: Sports

Shake that money tree

Juxtaposition of the day. First, from the world of sports:

Hoosier Hysteria is back -- and Indiana University is the big winner even before the first tip-off in a tournament game.

Conventional wisdom

I wrote an editorial last week in favor of Indiana Senate President Pro Tem David Long's resolution calling for a national constitutional convention to define limits on the commerce and taxing powers of Congress:

States’ rights, Long says, might disappear altogether. This is a way to keep it from happening “with a process that is legal, that is constitutional and that, if done correctly, will be effective.”

Clint's way

So, Clint Eastwood does a Super Bowl ad that seems to support President Obama and the auto bailout, and conservatives call him a traitor. Then he does his "empty chair" act at the GOP convention, and they love him again. Then he is identified as one of the 100 Republicans signing a friend-of-the-court brief in favor of gay marriage, and he's on the naughty list again. And the lesson is:


Don't blame me

So, apparently I have a syndrome, and "Hey, kid, get off my lawn!" is but a symptom:

ARE you a grumpy old man? Don't worry, it could be a medical condition.

Posted in: All about me, Science

Work, work, work

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer caused a major freakout this week when it was reported she was barring employees from working at home. In a time when the trend is for more workplace flexibility, this seems like a major step backward.

This move will either 1) reinvigorate the company by fostering greater collaboration and "serendipitous encounters" that bring out the best ideas or, 2) Doom the company by crashing employee morale.

What, me worry? You bet

The best reason yet for being a grumpy old man:

Older people blighted by pessimism and fear for the future are more likely to live longer, according to scientists.

A study, into 40,000 adults across ten years, has found those with low expectations for a “satisfying future” actually led healthier lives.

Posted in: All about me, Science

We need climate change

For the economy to recover, we need a lot of entrepreneurs out there taking a chance and starting up lots and lots of small companies. Well, good luck with that:

President and founder of Subway Fred Deluca described some of the challenges payroll tax increases and Obamacare have presented small business franchisee owners Wednesday on CNBC.

[. . .]

Beer bash

Posted in: Food and Drink

That's the ticket

OK, sure, some punishment is called for here, but a felony?

FEBRUARY 26--Meet Lendsey and Delilha Harbin

The married couple went to the movies Saturday night at a multiplex in Portage, Indiana, where they watched “Snitch,” starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. When the action flick ended, the Harbins exited theater #13 and headed into theater #15, where the zombie film “Warm Bodies” was about to start.

More than a dime here

I don't need no stinkin' license

Outstanding news, if they can actually get something done:

Indiana lawmakers are considering deregulating a number of professions, including real estate brokers, home inspectors and several others.

Nail salons and dozens of others lumped under the “beauty culture” umbrella are also under review.

Off the charts

Any of you trembling in fear because of the Big Bad Sequester? For a little perspective, consider this chart:
