Appropriate reaction to the successful lauch of the Orion space craft: THAT. WAS. AWESOME.
Appropriate reaction to the successful lauch of the Orion space craft: THAT. WAS. AWESOME.
Here's some good news that almost slipped right by us:
Via The Daily Caller, Planned Parenthood is seriously irony-impaired:
Planned Parenthood joined the #BlackLivesMatter Twitter protest Monday afternoon, tweeting, “We are joining #Ferguson organizers and protesters in DC today — standing in solidarity with you! #HandsUpWalkOut #BlackLivesMatter”
Don't look now, but I think Black Friday's time has come and gone:
Even after doling out discounts on electronics and clothes, retailers struggled to entice shoppers to Black Friday sales events, putting pressure on the industry as it heads into the final weeks of the holiday season.
I know I've expressed my dismay/disgust with the media's unprofessional and malicious show of journalistic incompetence in the Ferguson case. Time and time again it has been shown that the primary agenda of the press is not to provide, thoroughly and fairly, the facts Americans need to be informed citizens.
But let me vent a little more, please.
I think this guy gets it exactly right:
If this isn't the most disturbing thing you've read this week, you may already be suffering from pathological nonjudgmentalism:
I have a very 2014 question for you: How would you respond if you found out that a man living down the street regularly has sexual intercourse with a horse?
I've been wondering about this, too: Why is the Ferguson grand jury taking so long?
The future is here, and New York City is jumping into it:
A friend texted me on Saturday: "Bill Cosby? Rape allegations? What a world . . ." I share her sentiments.
If you're gonna make some people mad, why not just go for the grand prize and upset everybody?