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All about me

If you're not a Bob Dylan fan, just skip this

 What is there to say about "Another Self Portrait"? If you're a diehard Bob Dylan fan, you have to have it. If not, you can probably take it or leave it. I have it. But even Dylan critics, I think, have to admire an artist who this late in his career can make Rolling Stone magazine get down on its knees to beg forgiveness: "We're soooo sorry we were so mean to him when the original 'Self Portrait' came out. Now we realize it was actually pretty good stuff."

Posted in: All about me, Music

Shabby treatment

Today I'm failing in my efforts not to be so parochial.  This story of Big Government bungling shouldn't bother me more than any other story of such bungling just because I'm a veteran, but it does, OK?

Just get on and do it

Digital suicide

Will the last one leaving please turn out the lights before you go? Oh, wait, that could be me:

This could be the final blow to paper and ink news: Reporters graduating out of journalism school and headed to work at newspapers and magazines don't read print media, with over seven of 10 choosing digital news and social media websites instead, the highest number ever, according to an authoritative new study.

Not-so-strange bedfellows

"Cats and dogs just weren't meant to live together" department:

Most of the major online dating sites won't set up Republicans with Democrats either.

Snooze alarm

Been there, done that:

For the first time in 39 years, folksy weather guru Al Roker, who is up most days before the rooster crows, missed an early-morning talk-show slot today -- because he overslept.

(Pretend) life of the party

Oh, for Pete's sake:

Extroverts, those outgoing, gregarious types who wear their personalities on their sleeve, are generally happier, studies show. Some research also has found that introverts, who are more withdrawn in nature, will feel a greater sense of happiness if they act extroverted.

Posted in: All about me

Science speaks: Stop your nagging

Posted in: All about me, Science


Notes from the revolution

It's not like this is anything new, but seeing it again is depressing anyway. From the latest Gallup poll:

PRINCETON, NJ -- Television is the main place Americans say they turn to for news about current events (55%), leading the Internet, at 21%. Nine percent say newspapers or other print publications are their main news source, followed by radio, at 6%.
