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There aren't many acts I'd go out of the way to see live anymore -- that was another part of my life. But the Robert Plant-Alison Krauss tour would be at the top of the list. I first saw Krause when she was just a kid, on stage with Bill Monroe at Bean Blossom. And what was the point of anybody else doing heavy metal music after "Led Zeppelin II"? And they weren't even exactly a metal band.

Posted in: All about me, Music

Fast food, high style

If you go to a McDonald's in Britain, your server may be dressed better than you are (one of the new uniforms is worn by the woman on the left):

Uniforms at McDonald's have been given an overhaul by a designer better known for glamorous dresses worn by celebrities.

Keeping 'em worried

We once had an executive editor -- Stewart Spencer was his name -- who would periodically come out of his office and just stand there, facing the newsroom, with his arms folded. After a minute or two, he'd go back in his office. I finally asked him one day why he did that. "It worries 'em," he said.

I think that's the principle in operation here:

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) ? A local company is making a full-size decoy cop car, promising that it will scare off speeders and crooks.

Posted in: All about me

The half-minute warning

Not only do they exist -- there's even a reason for them:

We've all goofed up and flubbed up things we've previously done time and again.

It turns out the root of these brain farts may be a special kind of abnormal brain activity that begins up to 30 seconds before a mistake even happens.

Posted in: All about me, Science

Little Foot

Happy Earth Day!

Rattle and roll

All morning long, people have been telling me this woke them up:

Dishes rattled and so did Fort Wayne residents' nerves this morning as the U.S. Geologic Survey reported that an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 - later downgraded to 5.2 - struck the Midwest around 5:37 a.m. today.

Waiting to inhale

My birth state takes a courageous stand against modernism:

FRANKFORT, Ky. -- The state that claims to produce the world's best bourbon has banned at least one way to consume it: vaporized for easy inhalation.

Gov. Steve Beshear signed a bill on Tuesday prohibiting the sale, purchase or use of alcohol vaporizers, which are devices that resemble asthma inhalers but produce intoxicating fumes.

Thanks for your support

I'm Leo Morris, and I approved this post.

Sticking it out

Golleee, Ange, can you believe the second cousin of the governor's assistant is coming here?! Let's get out the town band's costumes and have Aunt Bee fry up some chicken! And we'd better make sure to hide Otis for a while:

Mark Black, principal of Corydon Central Junior High School, was not prepared for the call he got Sunday morning from Superintendent Neyland Clark, who said former President Bill Clinton was coming to his school.

Tax nut

Happy Tax Day!

People who complain about taxes don't understand a lesson my late father—a conservative Republican—taught me. He used to say that he was honored to pay his taxes because he knew some government was necessary and taxes are the price.

Just wish I wasn't so darn honored!
