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Current Affairs

This is rich

So, want to talk about the "1 percent"? Indiana has one member on this list of congressmen who haven't been corruped by money -- the "25 members of Congress with lowest net worth" compiled by the Washington Post:

19. Rep. Marlin A. Stutzman (R-Ind.)

Stutzman had an average net worth of -$84,495 in 2010.

No parades, thanks, we're embarrasse

Been there, haven't done that:

Americans won't be seeing a huge ticker-tape parade in New York City anytime soon for troops returning from Iraq.

It's not clear if veterans of the nine-year campaign will ever enjoy the grand, flag-waving, red-white-and-blue homecoming that the nation's fighting men and women received after World War II and the Gulf War.

Holiday beef

I was beginning to think PETA was on break since they've been so quiet this holiday season. Silly me:

Islamic chic

With the probability that the "Arab spring" will result in militant Islamic fundamentalism controlling all of the Mideast, we should pay attention to controversies such as this one:

TEHRAN — In the Islamic republic of Iran, the law requires women to cover their hair and bodies in public. But how to do so remains up to them, and the result is persistent confusion in the streets.

[. . .]

Value, please

Americans have a more balanced view of taxing and spending than some politicians are willing to give them credit for:

A dog's life

Good grief. A poor doggie dragged back from vacation just for a photo op?

Bo Obama was supposed to be in Hawaii. Instead, he showed up at President Obama's side Wednesday shopping for treats at PetSmart

So sorry!

Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch (who recently resigned in disgrace) was one of the Republicans who campaigned to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot to define marriage as the the union between a man and a woman. Then she was found to be in "an inappropriate relationship" with someone other than her husband. That resulted in this "apology"from "the gay and lesbian community of Minnesota":

Freedom's march

A positive appraisal of 2011:

In the time since the end of the Cold War, there have been many years in which advocates of freedom and democracy found endless reasons for gloom and few for hope. This was not one of those years.

Christmas intervention

Ho, ho, ho, fatty:

Christmas may be a time of indulging for many, but health experts believe it is the perfect time to tell a loved one they are overweight.

Posted in: Current Affairs

The Buckeye special

Honestly, isn't this one of the strangest opening sentences to a news story you've ever read?

A federal grand jury in Ohio returned a
seven-count indictment on Tuesday charging 12 members of an
Amish splinter group with hate crimes following a spate of
beard cutting attacks on fellow Amish in the state.
