Group of Seven leaders agreed on Monday to wean their economies off carbon fuels and supported a global goal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but they stopped short of agreeing their own immediate binding targets.
The best term I can think of for the age we're living through is "fascist tolerance." Tolerance is the new religion, and apostasy must be punished swiftly and severely .
A great big load of crap from The Associated Press:
If you want an income, or you're an employer looking for help, it may be time to scrap the idea of the traditional 9-to-5 arrangement.
For those who think the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is just an excuse to discriminate against gays:
Is posting a Bible verse on a desktop computer in a military workplace an act protected under the Constitution as a free expression of religion?
Or is such an open display of religiosity an affront to "good order and discipline"?
Juxtaposition of the day.
First up, the "myth of retirement."
61% of Americans expect to continue working past the age of 65
Only 21% of Americans say they plan to stop working at the age of retirement, according to a new survey.
If you have certain requirements for a job, and those requirements keep a very high percentage of one group or another out of that job, do members of those groups need to try harder, or should the standards be changed? That's a debate that's held all the time in this country, and various jurisdications have come up with various answers, Sometimes, there is a little more urgency in coming up with the right answer:
Awww. Cute puppy-and-a-bird video. You don't want to see the kitty-and-a-bird video.
Our bubbled mainstream media got a serious crash-course in reality this week with the revelations that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio don’t hate gays, and that Bruce Jenner, who is in the process of transitioning into a woman, remains a Christian Republican.