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Hoosier lore

Managing rock bottom

Bet she knows some power chords

Gadzooks, it's Walker, Indiana Ranger!

Before Indiana became a state in 1816, territorial Gov. William Henry Harrison organized the Indiana Rangers in 1807 to safeguard the Buffalo Trace — the main travel route between Louisville, Ky., and Vincennes, Ind.

Layfayette loses its goals

Vistors to Columbian Park in Lafayette complained about the teenagers who congregated at the basketball court there, who spouted profanities that could be heard a long way away and sometimes stopped their basketball game long enough to have a fight. So, simple solution: Park officials removed the basktball hoops.

Tom Rankin, the city’s parks, safety and security director, said removing the goals has reduced loitering and rowdiness to a minimum.

“It’s been like night and day so far,” he said.


Well, maybe the BMV is being run more efficiently these days (and it is a joy to get in and out so quickly, or do business online and never even go there), but they sure have made a mess of licens-plate policy. First they nearly wreck the specialty-plates program with a heavyhanded and obvious attempt to mess with a gay youth support group.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Farm bill, Part 2

I guess 3rd District Rep. Marlin Stuzman is a little put out with me. The editorial I wrote criticizing the House version of the farm bill was posted online at 8:30 yesterday morning, and his communications director called me from Washington less than two hours later. This was the part that especially irked them:

Stand down, please

Take your bizarre and shove it

Here's an odd little story:

WHITING | The city's annual three-day homage to the humble, delicious pierogi and all things ethnic including babushkas, has made the top 10 list of bizarre festivities compiled by global travel website TripAdvisor.

[. . .]

Fine and dandy

So what do they want, the death penalty?

A state law that took effect last week doubles Indiana's fines for motorists who illegally park in parking spaces for the disabled.

Splitting up is hard to do

Our Rep. Marlin Stutzman has lately been championing splitting the farm and food stamp programs and considering them separately instead of as a single bill, and some of you might recall that The Journal Gazette editorialized about what a terrible idea this is. People who favor increasing agricultural payouts would stop helping the food stamp people get their goodies, you see, and the food stamp people would no longer cheerlead for the farm programs. Heavens, if that happend, there might be less government spending or some other catastrophe.

Butt patrol

We can all sleep easy tonight -- the ashtray police are on the job:

PERU — A Miami County commissioner wants a county-wide crackdown on businesses violating state code dictating where cigarette receptacles may be placed after the state issued a complaint saying the Miami County Courthouse was violating the law.
