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Politcs and other nightmares

Uniform code of military madness

Often when a gay rights issue comes up, critics will say gays are asking for special rights but gays will insist they want only rights equal to everyone else's. The evidence is usually mixed, so we have to decide for ourselves. If gays are guaranteed the right not to be discriminated against in unemployment, is that the same right everyone has to be judged only on their qualifications? Or is that a special right not guaranteed to, say, white heterosexual men?

Room for debate

"Can't see the forest for the trees" political analysis -- here's Franklin College's journalism directorJohn Krull  on the Lugar-Mourdock race:


Welcome to the circus

If all he's got going for him is "name recognition," he'd better think again; 2004 is a loooong time ago in Short Attention Span America:


Former reality TV star Rupert Boneham said he thinks he has a real shot at becoming Indiana’s next governor after being nominated as a third-party choice Saturday.

Junk the options

Here's a stunner. Under Indiana law, at least half the food in Indiana school vending machines must be "healthy choice options" lole dried apple slices and baked chips and low-fat pretzels. But guess what:
