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Hoosier lore

This is choice?

Startling news from the school choice front:

A Department of Education report indicates the cost of Indiana's private school voucher program jumped from $16 million to $40 million during the past school year.

The Indianapolis Star reports about 29,100 students received vouchers during the recently completed academic year, up from about 19,800 the year before.

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Poll trouble


There’s a new poll out that shows that the political problems created for Mike Pence by his handling of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act linger.

The poll shows that only 32 percent of Indiana voters believe that Pence deserves re-election. 54 percent believe it’s time to give a new person a chance to do a better job.

[. . .]

Yeah, affordable, right

If the government is going to make it costlier to hire people, then businesses are going to hire fewer people. Simple economics, right?

An Indiana businessman told lawmakers Wednesday he has purposely kept his companies small to avoid having the number of workers that would require him to provide health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

Go left or get left?

This is moderately amusing. Scrath that. It's borderline hilarious:

Public opinion is moving so quickly on gay marriage that even its supporters are struggling to keep up.

Gun hands

The 17th annual Indiana Conference of Mayors convened in Kokomo recently, and gun control was a hot topic:

Early Thursday morning the mayors moved into their first seminar, titled "Guns N’ Gov," which addressed the issue of armed citizens in public meetings and how to walk the line between public safety and constitutional rights.

Water, water

I forgot to mention this yesterday, but I noticed on Sunday that The Journal Gazette editorial page has jumped on the "poor Californians being whupped by climate change" bandwagon:

It’s tougher to pretend there’s no danger from climate change if you live in California, which is struggling under a historic drought. 

Ready for a little muppet action?

Is the world really ready for a revival of "The Muppets" that is "more adult"?

Cursive, foiled again!

Lost cause of the day:

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A longtime supporter of requiring Indiana schools to teach cursive writing is making her fifth attempt to restore the skill to Indiana's curriculum.

Bad idea, round 2

Here we go again:

Lawmakers in Indiana are weighing a measure that would require some welfare recipients to undergo drug testing and risk losing their benefits if they failed.

[. . .]

The proposed change would require welfare recipients considered high-risk for drug abuse to be tested, as well as those who had previously been charged with a drug-related crime.

There will be a record of this

This is interesting:

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) – A change to Fort Wayne’s city policies and procedures will require employees to get written permission to record a conversation with another employee.

Indiana is a one-party consent state, meaning a person can record a conversation they are having with another person without the other person knowing.
