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Opening Arguments

End-of-the-World update

I also saw this on my vacation, a short Journal Gazette editorial and accompanying map explaining how "the reality of climate change" (an increase of two-thirds of a degree) affects us locally:

It means it’s not as cold in northeast Indiana as it used to be.

It also means that less hardy plants and trees are now more likely to survive further north.

Dear reader

My sister saves the crosssword puzzles from The Indianapolis Star for me. They're on the same page as cartoons and advice columns. After working one of the puzzles on vacation last week, I saw a piece by Judith Martin, who writes the Miss Manners column. A reader relates to Miss Manners an encounter with someone "obviously in the advanced stages of male-to-female traisition -- complete with feminine attire" and confesses to a dilemma:

The pause, that refreshes

I'm on vacation this week. Back on Monday, Feb. 6.

Posted in: All about me

We can work it out

So, Indiana will be the 23rd state with a right-to-work law, and the only one in the industrial heartland. Good for us:

From 2000 to 2010, employment in right-to-work states increased 2.3 percent, compared to a 4.0 percent decline in non-right-to-work states. Indiana saw employment decrease 6.9 percent over the same period. That means Indiana lost roughly 207,000 jobs over the past 10 years. In contrast, 1.2 million jobs were created in right-to-work states.

The green hoax

I know Indiana politicians are always looking for ways to prove that we're not a backward state. But do we have to prove we're with it by trying to create green energy nightmares every bit as foolish as Solyndra?

Team spirit

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Dude, where's my buzz?

If you liked alcohol-free beer, you'll just love this:

A British drug manufacturer is hoping for a big score from consumers and a green light from the FDA for its medical marijuana mouth spray in 2013.

Half moon

I thought conservatives were the wingnuts and it's the liberals who are supposed to be the moonbats:

A day after Newt Gingrich vowed to build a base on the moon by the end of his second term in office, Rick Santorum suggested that such a promise was merely pandering to Florida voters.

Libertarian U.

My God, maybe there's hope for the future after all:

Even though on an issue-by-issue basis the opinions of incoming freshmen are becoming less conservative, the number of liberal students per se is not necessarily on the rise.

Another pointless gesture

Is there anybody who can actually argue with a straight face that this meets constitutional muster?

INDIANAPOLIS | An Indiana Senate committee on Wednesday endorsed teaching creationism in public schools, despite pleas from scientists and religious leaders to keep religion out of science classrooms.

A common story

Those of us who have been arguing for years to keep strong local control of education should probably give up the cause and move on to something else -- that fight has been lost. Guess Scott Schneider didn't get the memo, though:

An effort to force Indiana to withdraw from "common core" education standards failed Wednesday, but the bill's sponsor promised to try to revive it.

Junk food science

Juxtaposition of the day. First, news of the implementation of new federal guidelines for school lunches, which are to include more veggies and less fat and, well, you know the drill:

Feeling a draft

City University of New York professor emeritus and Hudson Institute adjunct fellow Ron Radosh was very impressed with Mitch Daniels' GOP response to the State of the Union message last night:

Are we clear on this?

So, Dummy, how'd you like the State of the Union speech? You can read all the political reactions in plenty of places and probably had already decided it was a good or bad speech before you even heard it. So, let's try a different angle:

President Obama's 2012 State of the Union address again rated at an 8th grade comprehension level, on the Flesch-Kincaid readability test — the third lowest score of any State of the Union address since 1934.


Isn't this just dancing with who brung you to the party?

Indiana lawmakers saw few reasons to cross party lines last year.

Strip minding

Here's a bill making its way through the General Assembly that may have escaped your notice, Senate Bill 0183:


I still think this is a bad idea:

Indiana's House Ways and Means chairman laid out a plan Tuesday to give $5 million more for victims of the Indiana State Fair stage collapse and $80 million to pay for full-day kindergarten.

Uniform ignorance

Today, only about 1 percent of the nation's population is in uniform either on active duty or in the reserves, and the number will dwindle as things such as budget cuts and the drawdown in Iraq take effect.

Mitch pitch

Moral matters

If Republicans weren't supposed to care about Bill Clinton's philandering, is it fair to ask Democrats to ignore Newt Gingrich's serial monogamy?
