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Fight night

Guess that old joke about watching a fight when a hockey game broke out isn't so funny after all:

Because they know so many fans love fighting, the International Hockey League owners changed the rules this summer to add an extra game roster spot and encourage more of it.

[. . .]

Posted in: Our town, Sports

John's day

Happy 99th birthday to the Hoosier basketball legend who didn't routinely embarrass the state:

John Wooden will be honored today with highway signs that tie to Indiana history and the Martinsville legend's love of reading.

The signs are part of a celebration of the coach's 99th birthday today around the area where he grew up.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports


This week's sign that End Times are nigh*. Word is out that Rush Limbaugh might want to buy the St. Louis Rams, which has been as polarizing as everything else about him. And:

Keith Olbermann of MSNBC defended Limbaugh's right to buy the Rams.  And Olbermann made the critics of Limbaugh on this point entry No. 3 on Olbermann's nightly "Worst Persons in the World" segment of Countdown.  

Knight time

Apparently, Bobby Knight has not rejected out of hand the idea of actually going to Bloomington next month when he is inducted into the Indiana University athletics hall of fame:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Headed for a smackdown!

Today's riddle: What's the difference between a member of the WWE and a member of the U.S. Senate? Answer: One is an outrageous fake who creates make-believe conflict for the entertainment of the masses, the most gullible of whom believe it is all real, and the other is just a wrestler. (With apologies to whoever came up with the catfish-lawyer joke.)

True blue fans

There must be a saner way than this to support Indiana foster children:

Second-chance time?

Tony Dungy is a trusting soul:

It might be time to give fallen NFL star Michael Vick a second chance, says Tony Dungy, former coach of the Indianapolis Colts. Dungy has been giving Vick advice about his future since he paid a visit to the former quarterback in prison.

[. . .]

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports


American chess thugs, who are having one of their gang meetings in Indianapolis, are apparently mad at each other. Four of the six-member governing board are trying to kick out the other two -- married couple Susan Polgar and Paul Truong -- and there are suits and counter-suits, and the whole thing is one big sordid, wonderful mess. This is apparently a mess years in the making:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

A winning idea

At a children's racing carnival in Australia, swimmers in the past have competed for a team, not for themselves, because of, you guessed it, adults worried about their precious self-esteem. But this year, there will be competitive events as well. Guess why:

Nearly 300 children have registered for individual events at the carnival.


"I just shot a birdie, and I think I can get an eagle on this one."

"Is that all? I'm going for the goose." 

A northern Indiana city is allowing goose hunting on a golf course where a large flock has been causing damage.

Round Barn Golf Club in Rochester asked the City Council to approve hunting on the course, where golf pro Lyle Lingenfelter says up to 1,000 Canada geese spend the winter.

Bet the hunters will get a lot more holes in one than the golfers.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports