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Hoosier lore

Period of transition

If you've been the victim of a violent crime, this isn't exactly the kind of mistake you want to happen:

More than 3,600 crime victims across Indiana mistakenly received messages Thursday telling them that the person who committed the crime against them would be released from the Department of Correction.

Felony texting

When I first heard about "sexting," I thought, well, it's just a high-tech version of what we did in high school -- telling off-color jokes, passing around dirty pictures and all of that other racy stuff. But it's really another one of those oh-these-kids-today! extremes:

It primarily involves high school and even middle school students. "Basically what they're doing is distributing pornography," said Allen County Prosecutor Karen Richards.

Oh, fudge

What nonsense:

Washington's economic rescue plan won't end the recession, economists suggested Wednesday, but it could ease the pain and help create or save 79,300 jobs in Indiana and fix 176 school buildings.

The ban wagon

For now, I'll stick with my earlier prediction that Indiana won't do anything about a statewide smoking ban this year. There's just too much else going on, especially the difficulty of crafting a two-year budget during a recession.

Old driving habits

An Indianapolis woman has a wild ride:

IFD says Feeney was leaving a hair salon when she veered back towards the salon building, shearing the gas meter and striking the building. From that point, Feeney drove through a bush, hit a fence, turned her car and hit four cars on her way out of the parking lot.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Almost flunking

You remember the old joke. What do you call someone who graduated last in the class from medical school? Answer: Doctor. The same principle applies to education:

A 1.33 GPA won't get you into grad school. It certainly won't be impressive to any future employers. And it may even result in loss of funding from dear old Mom and Dad.

Let's face it, a D+ average just isn't that great.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Any heroes here?

I understand the concept of "moral hero." You do the right thing, even if it creates a hardship for you (or "especially if," maybe), and it provides the right kind of example for those who might be wavering on the line between good and bad. But this example chosen by Gov. Daniels might be a reach:

Spend! No! S

Democrats in the Indiana House are just full of ideas lately. Let's divert $800 million from Major Moves for local projects:

Rep. Terri J. Austin, the Anderson Democrat who authored the package, which she admitted is "a work in progress," said the state can use that money to replace funds shifted to local government.

Get with the vision

It's the job of government to protect citizens and keep essential services going. It is the role of business to provide the jobs that pay the money from which taxes are taken to provide those services. A tidy and workable arrangement. But people in government aren't happy with their limited duties, so they keep wanting to change the rules. Mayor Charles Henderson of Greenwood, for example, recently held a meeting with "business professionals" to talk about "breathing new life" into downtown:

The sporting life

Dust off those bats, girls. Baseball and softball aren't "comparable sports" -- the IHSAA has said so:

Faced with a lawsuit it sees little chance winning, the Indiana High School Athletic Association has ruled baseball and softball are not comparable sports and that girls may now try out for their school's baseball team.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports