When even a famous gay atheist like Camille Paglia takes aim at at A&E's suspension of "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson, you know it's destined to go down as one of the most epic hysterical overreactions in history:
When even a famous gay atheist like Camille Paglia takes aim at at A&E's suspension of "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson, you know it's destined to go down as one of the most epic hysterical overreactions in history:
If you've been following the global warming debacle, which is an even bigger fraud than Obamacare, you don't need a lecture on the deadly mixture of science and politics. It has become obvious that the left is happy to make up the science as it goes along as one part of whatever it takes to advance its agenda. Too many "scientists," alas, are happy to go along with it to make sure they keep getting funding.
Whatever happened to Midwestern common sense?
Climate change is not just about whether polar bears have enough ice to live on. If it were, Kokomo wouldn’t have a direct interest in the topic.
But the issue matters to Kokomo — and to communities of all sizes across Indiana and the country.
Baba Wawa, speaking with Piers Morgan:
Well, you’ve touched on it to a degree. He made so many promises. We thought that he was going to be – I shouldn’t say this at Christmastime, but – the next messiah. And the whole ObamaCare, or whatever you want to call it, the Affordable Health Act, it just hasn’t worked for him, and he’s stumbled around on it, and people feel very disappointed because they expected more.
Whew! Cato Institute Vice President Gene Healy has announced his annual Worst Op-Ed of the Year winner, and it isn't me. The honor goes to New York Times thumbsucker David Brooks, whose winning entry explains "why we need to strengthen the presidency":
Women think the workplace is unfair to them, even though it is not. How come? This, I think:
Maybe, but it’s the constant media drumbeat about supposed unfairness that’s making women think the decks are stacked against them at all. Consider, even though many women seem to believe the playing field isn’t level when it comes to wages and hiring, Pew finds that “relatively few working adults report these types of gender biases at their own workplace.”
RIP, Peter O'Toole. God almighty, what a freakisly handsome man he was in his "Lawrence of Arabia" days. He was the first man I noticed for his sheer physical beauty, the kind of looks that sparks lust in women and envy in men. But he was a hell of a talented actor on top of it. In fact, he holds the record for the most Oscar nominations without a win.
Physicists have long predicted that the universe may one day collapse, and that everything in it will be compressed to a small hard ball. New calculations from physicists at the University of Southern Denmark now confirm this prediction – and they also conclude that the risk of a collapse is even greater than previously thought.