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Opening Arguments

The party line

Are you sitting down? This might shock you. Sen. Lugar likes John McCain!

“I've had a very good association with Senator McCain in the U.S. Senate for over two decades,” Sen. Lugar said. “I've found him to be an independent spirit, a courageous person, a person who is outspoken. He's described frequently in these terms, but I've had the privilege of seeing it firsthand.”

Food stuff

This is a little disheartening, but in a country in which a major preisdential candidate declares health care a "right," it's certainly not surprising:

Good riddance

The right sentence, self-administered:

An illegal immigrant serving five life terms for the strangling deaths of his wife, three young daughters and a neighborhood girl apparently took his own life Thursday by hanging himself, authorities said.

Love me, scum

Anbody who has followed politics even marginally will not find this at all surprising:

When a group is without a leader, you can often count on a narcissist to take charge, a new study suggests.

Researchers found that people who score high in narcissism tend to take control of leaderless groups.  Narcissism is a trait in which people are self-centered, exaggerate their talents and abilities, and lack empathy for others.

Three cheers

It's about damn time:

Mo-ped operators in Indiana would need a valid driver's license and have to get the motorized scooters insured under legislation state Sen. Ron Alting plans to propose in the upcoming General Assembly session.

Three cheers for Rep. Alting. Mo-peds are already a danger on the road. With even more expected to be out there because of gas prices, now is a good time to try to reduce the menace.

Time squeeze

Barack Obama got off a funny line in Indianapolis . . .

Obama remembered the famous line that Ronald Reagan used  to attack Jimmy Carter, suggesting Americans ask, "are you better off than you were four years ago?"  Obama said, "At the pace we are going, you are going to have to ask if you are better off than you were 4 weeks ago."

The cheap stuff

Hey, we're used to flying out of Indy to get the lower air fares, so let's all hop in our cars and drive there to get the cheap stuff!

Gas prices are slipping nationally and statewide, but drivers at Indianapolis filling stations are getting it cheaper than most places.

Ball U

Ball State Unviersity has risent several spots on a national surven ranking sexual health:

Health educator Lisa Thomason said the representative asked Bullis if the university provided free contraceptives, if it had sexual health programs, including peer education, if it had a sexual health awareness week and if it provided checks for sexually transmitted diseases.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Their lips are moving

Here's a novel idea:

JASPER, Ind. —  Two challengers for an Indiana congressional seat have agreed to be hooked up to lie detectors during a debate, but an official with the incumbent's party dismisses the idea as "bizarre."

That one

It has been pointed out to me that when I say that I approve this message, some might infer that I don't approve that one. Since that one is from someone else, it is obviously from someone not like me -- i.e., white, older, Midwestern, etc. I certainly did not intend to be racist, sexist, ageist, homophobic or elitist or suggest in any way that other messages do not deserve to have a place in the debate.

It's official

I'm Leo Morris, and I approved this message.

It's official

I'm Leo Morris, and I approved this message.

House cleaning

Thank God, the world's economy is crumbling and millions and millions of people will therefore have more miserable lives. At least the planet can heal, and we all know that's all that's important:

A slowdown in the world economy may give the planet a breather from the excessively high carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions responsible for climate change, a Nobel Prize winning scientist said on Tuesday.

Posted in: Current Affairs

See you at the fair

In my effort to keep you up on the latest trends, I note that senior citizens turned out at the fairgrounds to get "flu shots and ham and beans" during the annual Putnam County Senior Health Fair. But those who live in Casselberry, Fla., have a more exotic option:

A strip club offered free flu shots on Tuesday to Casselberry residents who are at least 55 years old.


Finally, right on one

Yesterday, I wrote an editorial saying the mayor's proposed budget didn't go far enough in making spending cuts: "Wouldn't deeper cuts in 2009 make it easier to make cuts in 2010?" Last night, the City Council had its first go around on the budget:

It was with that fact in mind that all the council members seemed to agree a flat budget simply was not good enough.

Best and brightest

Howard Chapman has written guest columns for us for nearly 20 years. Judging only by his writing and several talks on the phone with him over the years, I'd judge him as a nice man with a wide-ranging curiosity. Now, he's gone and done something spectacular:

When we say the best and brightest we mean that quite literally,” said William McKinney, IPFW vice chancellor for academic affairs, at the announcement about the new Chapman Scholars Program, which will begin in fall 2009.

Posted in: All about me

So long, Hartley's

A sad day -- we're losing Hartley's. Well, not exactly, but close enough:

In a Newschannel 15 exclusive, Chappell's officials say a big change is coming to the Broadway restaurant and fish market.  The 23-year-old business is expected to merge with Hartley's restaurant on Fairfield.

Tuesday afternoon, Gary Chappell signed a deal to purchase the Hartley's restaurant.  Hartley's has been in business for 25-years at the Fairfield location.

Posted in: Our town

Perverse knowledge

I feel the need to be amused or intrigued by all things not related to Worldwide Economic Meltdown Panic, so this story caught my eye:

Police are looking for a man who exposed himself on several occasions at a convenience store on Indianapolis' south side and may be involved in other flashing incidents in the area.

In the tank

Not to be outdone by members of Congress, who are trying to break into double-digit approval ratings by grilling greedy Wall Street tycoons, some members of the General Assembly are vowing to "get answers" at a hearing on Indiana gasoline prices. The Richmond Palladium-Item is not amused:

Regional politics

Religion can be harmful in the workplace:

A human resources manager was concerned for the safety of Muslim women she saw climbing steep ladders while holding their long skirts in one hand to reach their Toronto UPS work stations.

"It was terrifying. I wouldn't want to do what they were doing. It caused me great concern," Michelle Skabar told Canadian Human Rights Tribunal panel chair Karen Jensen yesterday.

May I be helpful here? Shorter skirts!
