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Opening Arguments

Round, round, get around

A representative of Gov. Mitch Daniels' office says Democratic challenger Jill Long Thompson is making a "political attack," which is pretty hard to refute. Running for governor is a political act, isn't it?

Long Thompson is calling on the Governor to release travel records.  She claims the Governor has used state airplanes and other vehicles for personal and political use.

[. . .]

Reminds me of . . .

Stay calm, partisans. I'm linking to this New York Times article on Barack Obama not for any political reason but just because of an interesting word use:

FLINT, Mich.


My friend is suffering the effects of PTMD, and I don't feel a bit sorry for her. We were at my sister's in Indianapolis Saturday to celebrate my birthday. I got my amazon-ordered gifts and started playing with the new toys while the two of them toddled off to see the Bodies exhibit. Despite assurances from Nance in a comment here a while back that I could probably handle it, I decided not to risk it.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Science

It died last week

Groups such as Rush, Chicago and the Moody Blues still haven't made it into the Rock 'n' roll Hall of Fame and won't make it again this year, but lame acts such as the Pet Shop Boys, Nick Cave and that hard-rockin' mama Whitney Houston have been put up for nomination. No wonder there isn't exactly breathless anticipation:

The closest thing to the Madonnas, R.E.M.s, Van Halens and U2s that have starred at recent inductions is probably the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Posted in: Music

Now, honestly

When one of the two people who introduced the measure is with Allen County Right to Life, how can this be said with a straight face?

Authors of a bill now before the Allen County Commissioners say its purpose is not to just limit abortions . . .

We can debatge whether it is right to make abortions tougher to get, but

Tough sell

Coming soon to a meeting near you, the hard sell:

Those who plan a big legislative push to streamline local government say they know what's coming their way: a lot of shoving back.

[. . .]

The proposals include eliminating township governments and having one elected county chief executive who would appoint county officials now elected such as the sheriff, treasurer and auditor. School districts would be reorganized so they would have at least 2,000 students.

Citizens and soldiers

Sorry, doesn't count:

Barack Obama has said he considered joining the United States military when he left school but decided not to because the Vietnam war was over and "we weren't engaged in an active military conflict at that point".

School days


It used to be that way a few decades ago. Labor Day marked the unofficial end of summer and the time for administrators, teachers and students to head back to the classrooms.

Lehe said one of the reasons for the shift to start school in the middle of August was due mainly to ISTEP testing in the fall. That argument no longer holds water as ISTEP tests have been moved to the spring.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Buckle up

Colts kinda stunk up the joint in their Lucas Oil premiere game, didn't they?

So for a week the Bears, not the Colts, are the Super Bowl contenders. Heck, having beaten Peyton Manning and with Tom Brady injured, maybe the Bears are Super Bowl favorites.

Surely I jest. Yes, surely I do. But the Bears are a week ahead of where they were expected to be in, say, December.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

One paycheck ahead

Been there, done that:

Living paycheck to paycheck? Join the growing club.

Asked and answered

Can the arts help prevent crime? No. The following is idealistic in the extreme:

Esserman, who has made Providence's police headquarters available for various art exhibits, said an increasing number of young Americans are being arrested. He believes that families, teachers and others can make a difference in whether young people fail or succeed by approaching them "with love," and by encouraging them to pursue educational and artistic challenges.

The annual trauma

The cats and I had a minor disagreement yesterday. I thought they should get into their carriers for the annual trip to the vet. They thought I should BACK THE HELL OFF! I eventually prevailed -- they drew blood only once -- and got through the ordeal. But now they've forgotten all about it, and I won't be over the trauma till Halloween. Wonder if Ican find a vet who

Posted in: All about me

Brave New World

If deaf people could hear again, how many would choose to?

Deaf people could one day have their hearing restored through a ground-breaking gene therapy technique, scientists reported yesterday.

They showed that they can trigger the growth of new hair cells in the inner ear that are crucial to hearing as they pick up sound vibrations.

The learning curve

Dang. I remember about a dozen years ago writing that the $40 million renovation of South Side High School was an outrageous excess:

 LOS ANGELES (AP) - A decade behind schedule, a $350 million downtown high school finally opened on Wednesday after years of environmental, seismic and legal troubles.

Suck it up, taxpayers

Is it "breaking faith with taxpayers" when a city administration makes a promise, then gets ousted by voters in favor of a new administration that then decides it can't keep the promise?

Dead-tree huggers

Oh, God, the tree is dead! Please, God, forgive us. Extreme environmentalism shown for what it is -- a form of group mental illness:


(Via Hit & Run, which is properly skeptical but notes that that the main nut showcased is well-known as a main nut.)

Posted in: Current Affairs

Pizza the action

Oh, brother:

A pizza chain is no longer calling its large pizza, breadsticks and soda special the Big Ten Bargain after lawyers from the Big Ten Conference complained.

Bloomington-based Pizza Express is changing the name of the combo to the Big Bargain.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Mama's boy

Watching John McCain's acceptance speech at the Republican convention, and he just introducued his mother! He's still dragging her around with him. Mama's boy!  What a pantywaist weakling. Is that the kind of sissy we want leading this country? It's not like she couldn't get away if she wanted to:


There's a lot of discussion about whether the press is being unfair to Sarah Palin in the ususal liberal sorts of ways, but also speficially whether a lot of the treatmenet of her is sexist:

Should Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin — a mother of five children, including a special-needs infant — have accepted the vice presidential slot on the Republican ticket? Is it sexist to even ask such a question? The conversation transcends traditional party lines.

Quiet time

Actually, this seems a little high to me:

Television, radio, the internet, and telephones intrude so much on our day that the average person has just over an hour free from "media noise".

One in three adults do not even have an hour of rest while at home and more than one-in-five (22 per cent) have 30 minutes or less, according to findings from media researchers M-Lab.
