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Opening Arguments

Praise be

Here's a line from a story in the Richmond paper,

Richard Bryant ordinarily accepted his kudos for victories on the football field as coach of the Red Devils

and a quiz. What's wrong with the following sentence? The kudos received by the coach is much deserved.

Give up? Nothing. It was a trick question. You know, if it weren't for newspapers, that word would have died out a long time ago.

A conservative for Obama

Here's one of those "lifelong conservatives" who are voting for Barack Obama, Larry Hunter, who worked in the Reagan White House and helped write the Contract With America. He's against McCain because that would be to endorse George Bush's foreign policy of "unjustified war and unconstitutional abridgment of individual rights." But what about Obama's domestic agenda, which goes against just about everything conservatives stand for?

Today's joke

Viva la -- oh, never mind

OK, who didn't see this one coming?

Once upon a time tattoos were

Tears in the Mideast

OK, I don't know much about diplomacy and the intricacies of international relations, but this seems like a bad deal to me:

Hezbollah on Wednesday handed over the bodies of two Israeli soldiers seized by its guerrillas two years ago, in a prisoner swap greeted with triumph in Lebanon but anguish in Israel.

Happy COGD!

Today is Cost of Government Day for 2008:

Working people must toil on average 197 days out of the year just to meet all costs imposed by government.  In other words, the cost of government consumes 53.9 percent of national income.

Cost of Government Day falls four days later in 2008 than last year's revised date of July 12.  In 2008, the average American will have to work an additional 17 days out of the year to pay off his or her cost of government compared to 2000, when the COGD was June 29. 

Posted in: All about me

This just in


We just got a tip that the Indiana coalition is one of the finalists in the bid for the Lincoln Museum. That's good and unexpected news, although the cynic in me wonders if we were included just to soften the blow when the exhibit is awarded to one of the more famous national brands.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Here are some details from Indiana's NewsCenter.

Posted in: History, Our town

Moving the furniture

Not exactly a stunner:

This report compares the 2007-2008 textbooks that are currently posted on the website of the Saudi Ministry of Education with those analyzed in our 2006 study, and shows that the same violent and intolerant teachings against other religious believers noted in 2006 remain in the current texts.

Daddy President

We have an energy crisis because President Bush has not given a speech asking Americans to drive less:

The messy market


Given all the stories we've seen in the last few years, this isn't really a big shock:

CHICAGO - One of the largest studies of its kind shows just how sluggish American children become once they hit the teen years: While 90 percent of 9-year-olds get a couple of hours of exercise most days, fewer than 3 percent of 15-year-olds do.

Posted in: Current Affairs

Judging the judge

Anybody have any sympathy for Judge Kenneth Scheibenberger, who now faces formal charges of judicial misconduct before the Indiana Supreme Court? I have some:

Good gun control

Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi vows to get tough on gun crimes with something called Project EVICT:

No dignity required

Susan Atkins is dying of brain cancer and wanted a "compassionate release" from her life prison sentence so she could "die with digity," surrounded by family and friends instead of prison guards. Yes, that Susan Atkins:

This is reasonable?

The weasels in D.C. government are responding to the Supreme Court's Heller decision with proposed rules showing they truly do not get it:

Here's what they're proposing:

  • Allowing an exception for handgun ownership for self-defense use inside the home.
  • If you want to keep a handgun in your home, the MPD will have to perform ballistic testing on it before it can be legally registered.

Happy old fogies

For the "youth is wasted on the young" file:

In recent months, however, several studies have produced a stream of evidence that mostly points in the same direction, and also happens to overturn one of the most stubborn American stereotypes: the belief that this is a land whose gifts, charms and joys flow mostly to young people.

Posted in: Current Affairs

Not funny yet

Are we going to be in for a humorless four years? From the Los Angeles Times, on the Obama camp's reaction to that New Yorker cover:


The Frugal Hoosiers blog calls out The Gary Post Tribune for being for a suspension of the state sales tax on gasoline (because that money just goes into the general fund) but against suspending the federal tax on gasoline (because that money is dedicated to highway maintenance):

After the flood

We always see or read about the heroic efforts to save a city or a neighborhood. But we seldom think about the life-gets-back-to-normal-drudgery aftermath:

Some of the sandbags used as a barricade to stop flood waters from pouring into Nick Cuthbertson's home are still stacked in front of his small house.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Off the bus

Well, this is interesting. "Shortbus" is an unrated film with sexually explicit scenes. It's the kind of movie some would call obscene and some would not. In 1973, the Supreme Court more or less gave up on obscenity and decided it should be based on what an "average person" would consider "community standards."
