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Hoosier lore


Seven-month old Jayden Noel was taken to a shelbyville emergency room with cuts and bruises. The emergerncy room doctor suspected abuse but bought the mother's story that her boyfriend had thrown a toy into Jayden's crib, not realizing the child was in it. The doctor did not report his initial suspicion, and six months later the boy was dead, another victim of child abuse who fell through the cracks:


Falsely accused

Making the case for Indiana's sex and violent offender registry for the people who deserve to be on it is tough enough -- yes, it might contribute to public safety, but at the cost of hounding for life people who have already served their sentences. Trying to dodge responsibility for putting people on it who don't belong is just inexcusable:

The yo-yo effect

Indiana is heavily invested in the great charter school experiment, so this Cato Institute study is of more than passing interest:

While most students are drawn from traditional public schools, charter schools are pulling large numbers of students from the private education market and present a potentially devastating impact on the private education market, as well as a serious increase in the financial burden on taxpayers.

A lovely evening

Chicken rules

Some chicken**** busybodies in Liberty, Ind., have complained about a perfectly ordinary 28-foot-tall rooster sign for a restaurant, so now there'll be a hearing on whether a zoning variance should be granted allowing the sign to stay:

Another giant leap

Wise words from first-man-on-the-moon  and Purdue graduate Neil Armstrong, from his commencement address at the University of Southern California:

Brand recognition

When lawmakers and educators get to the serious discussion of whether IPFW should break away from IU and Purdue and become an indpendent Fort Wayne University, they might want to study a similar breakup in Florida, where the University of South Florida Polytechnic was given permission to split from the main campus. There, as here, it was felt the local community was slighted by the main campus. The change, however, did not go over well with students:

A better climate

This is certainly good news:

In the Midwest, Indiana is No. 1. Nationwide, it's No. 5.

Melon bawl

So now we finally know, though I'm not sure what real benefit the news will be to us:

OWENSVILLE — The Food and Drug Administration has identified a southern Indiana farm that produces cantaloupes linked to a deadly salmonella outbreak and says the operation has recalled its melons.

The FDA says Chamberlain Farms of Owensville could be one source of the multistate outbreak.

Try harder

Talk about a tough critic:

There are coaches who are hard to please, and then there is Charlestown (Ind.) High head football coach Jason Hawkins.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports