Did anybody really expect him to just quietly fade away?
Resigned, not retired. Resigned, not retired.
Did anybody really expect him to just quietly fade away?
Resigned, not retired. Resigned, not retired.
For the "well, duh" file:
Studies show the most affluent students are six times more likely than the poorest to earn a bachelor's degree by age 24 . . .
Bet they drive better cars, too.
As many as 56,000 Hoosiers may lose their drivers' licenses because they don't match the information in a Social Security database, and the American Civil Liberties Union is suing to keep it from happening:
"What the BMV is doing is taking legally an entitlement from thousands of people," the ACLU's Ken Falk said. "You're entitled to have a driver's license and the state can't come and take it away from you."
The loonies in Berkely apparently aren't the only ones who have Marine problems:
The Toledo Blade reports that Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner ordered the Marines out Friday as their buses were arriving for a three-day training mission in the city, where they have periodically trained since 2004.
How to get out of prison after serving only a third of your time:
An Indiana teen convicted in a deadly DUI was released from prison Monday. Paige Grable served her time, but not as much as the victim's family -- or prosecutors -- expected. WAVE 3's David McArthur explains.
Grable was sentenced to 30 months but is out after nine months.
[. . .]
It would be tough to be a newspaper journalist in Iceland:
On some days there's really just no news to report here. None. Zero. Zilch. But even if there's no news, there are still thousands of column inches to fill every single day, which means editors and journalists must get creative.
[. . .]
I'm taking this stuff, so if you notice that my posts start getting a little darker, give a shout out, 'K?
WASHINGTON - Government regulators said Friday the connection between Pfizer's anti-smoking drug Chantix and serious psychiatric problems is "increasingly likely."
Haven't you always suspected as much?
Consuming low-calorie drinks may increase the risk of putting on weight, according to scientists in the United States.
They have suggested that people who choose diet drinks containing artificial sweeteners tend to overcompensate and consume more calories than those who do not.
He who is not pot enough says McCain is kettle enough:
WASHINGTON (AP) — John McCain is a "true conservative," President Bush says, although the likely Republican presidential nominee may have to work harder to convince other conservatives that he is one of their own.
Another reason to be glad George Bush is leaving the White House -- it will make the punks happy:
Include me as one of them:
INDIANAPOLIS — Looking at a smart car from the outside, you immediately begin a mental list of people who wouldn't touch an 8.8-foot vehicle with a 10-foot pole.
I will be in line to buy "the tiniest car marketed in North America" when every other vehicle on the road is that size or smaller. I want a fighting chance out there.
The latest victim of the digital age:
I greeted today's news with an instinctive combination of shock, grief, and indignant fury: Polaroid has announced it's ceasing production of its instant film, which will become unavailable after 2009. What will I do when I need more film my trusty Polaroid? What will all those people buying new Polaroids do?
If you liked the "fried egg/brain on drugs" ad, check this out, "the 10 funniest anti-drug commercials ever." I like the talking dog one because whoever wrote it has no clue about marijuana. And I like the Rachel Leigh Cook one because, well, it's got Rachel Leigh Cook.
Going for that trashy look in Muncie:
Come spring, employees of the Muncie Sanitary District will wear uniforms made from the same recycled soda bottles they collect each week.
With a $5,000 grant from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, the district will purchase 100-percent recycled jackets, T-shirts and polo shirts for its 140 employees.
I remember alerting you when Scotland challenged Fort Wayne's "Room for Dreams" as the greatest marketing slogan of all time, by spending $250,000 to come up with "Welcome to Scotland." Now there's another contender:
So, if you want a new car, try to get one that was made on Tuesday, and if you need surgery, ditto on the day of the week:
In a new survey, 57 percent of executives said Tuesday is the most productive day of the week for employees. Monday was the second most popular answer, although it appears to be losing favor: Only 12 percent of respondents ranked Monday as most productive, compared to 26 percent in a 2002 survey.
John McCain, the conventional wisdom goes, doesn't have a chance of winning the White House unless he shores up support among the conservative GOP base. One way to help do that, writes Pat Toomey in today's Wall Street Journal, is to choose a "true-blue fiscal conservative" ans his vice presidential running mate. Toomey, a former Republican congressman from Pennsylvania and the president of the Club for Growth, lists several possibilities, including Indiana's Mike Pence:
This seems like a harsh approach to discouraging bad habits, though I sometimes wonder how close to it we will get on anti-smoking measures in this country:
A young Iranian man has been sentenced to hang for repeatedly drinking alcohol which is strictly banned in the Islamic republic, the Etemad newspaper reported on Wednesday.
Hillary Clinton believes in her cause so much that she's willing to finance it herself:
Hillary Rodham Clinton loaned her campaign $5 million late last month as Barack Obama outraised and outspent her in the Democratic presidential race.
I'm a little backward in dealing with people and especially retarded when it comes to women. I tend to hang back until there's an umistakable sign that a woman might be interested in me, then I will possibly take a tentative first step like saying hello to her.