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Opening Arguments

The stupid party marches on

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air headlines this post "Are the parties over?" but he realizes what occurred to me to, that this is worse for Republicans than it is for Democrats:

Blowing cold and hot

Ah, journalistic geniuses at work:

Time magazine, 1974: "Clobal Cooling" Causes "Circumpolar Vortex."

Time magazine, 2014: "Global Warming" Causes "Polar Vortex."

When politics and science mix to form a new religion, the press is there to preach the gospel and curse the heretics.

Cold comfort


Standing ground

The New York Times is dismayed -- downtirght shocked, I tell you! -- that a gun magazine would be so absolutist about gun rights and so uniformly hostile to gun control. Then it trots out the familiar leftist argument that "all constitutional rights are regulated," managing to count a lot of trees while missing the forest. James Taranto reacts:

Give us a hug

Have you hugged your loved one today?

Is all in the hug.

According to Patient.co.in, hugs are important on so many different levels, but most importantly, on a relationship level.

Posted in: All about me

Old man winter


Through a combination of holiday working ahead, short staffing and fighting the weather, it's been a struggle to keep up. I feel like I haven't blogged in forever.

Posted in: All about me

Turn out the lights

Sad but true, I think:

Say goodbye to the regular light bulb this New Year.

For more than a century, the traditional incandescent bulb was the symbol of American innovation. Starting Jan. 1, the famous bulb is illegal to manufacture in the U.S., and it has become a fitting symbol for the collusion of big business and big government.

Command and control

A war-weary nation

Seriously? In all of our history?

Washington (CNN) – Support for the war in Afghanistan has dipped below 20%, according to a new national poll, making the country's longest military conflict arguably its most unpopular one as well.

BHO's TV shows

Probably shouldn't read too much into this, but it is interesting: When President Obama settles in for a little TV watching, he prefers "anything edgy, with hints of reality":

By his own accounts, Mr. Obama is drawn in his spare time to shows like HBO’s “Game of Thrones” and “Boardwalk Empire,” the kind of heavy, darkly rendered television that echoes the sadness and strife that make up so much of his workday.

Two 10s

We're innundated with Top 10 lists this time of the year. Most of them are dreck, but a couple of interesting ones caught my eye. First is the list of President Obama's top 10 constitutional violations of 2013. The one that's most infuriating comes in at No. 6:

Set me a place

Go ahead, make me laugh

Go ahead, make me laugh

If it can happen in Utah . . .

Question: Do you think Indiana legislators are paying attention to what's happening in Utah? Answer: They'd be crazy not to.

A federal judge in Utah — who last week issued a controversial ruling allowing same-sex marriages — on Monday denied the state’s request for a stay.

Boycott fever

Remember the simpler days of retailing years ago when a company would offer a product or service and people who wanted that product or service at the stated price would patronize the company? Nowadays the retailers get so easily distracted and customers so easlily annoyhed. First of all, let's never, ever offend the Muslims:

Talk, talk, talk

Apparently some shakeups are coming at NBC News:

Particularly distressed by the changes is the DC bureau team, whose duties include providing political coverage to “Nightly News with Brian Williams” and Sunday talk show “Meet The Press.”

Ducks and cover

When even a famous gay atheist like Camille Paglia takes aim at at A&E's suspension of "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson, you know it's destined to go down as one of the most epic hysterical overreactions in history:
