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Hoosier lore

Big shot

Gotta love this:

Indiana soon will have an official state rifle to go along with the state tree, state stone and state flower.

The Indiana House voted 78-2 on Tuesday to declare the Grouseland the state's official rifle. It is one of only six remaining long rifles made by famed Hoosier gunsmith John Small in the early 1800s.

Roach clipped

Looks like we won't have Allen County's merry prankster of politics to kick around this year:

A nickname has cost perennial candidate Dave Roach a spot on the May 8 primary ballot, handing the Democrat Party nomination for Allen County Commissioner to retired firefighter Gordon Anthony.

Down for the count

I hate to disagree with someone as politically astute as Andy Downs, but, well, I disagree with him:

The buzz surrounding “Super Tuesday,” and the 419 Republican delegates that go along with it, raises a question that comes up almost every presidential cycle: Will Indiana still matter by the time the nomination fight gets here in May?

The big blow

You'd think someone who regularly communicates with God would have learned when to keep his mouth shut by now:


In the aftermath of the tornadoes that devastated parts of the Midwest, television evangelist Pat Robertson is adding his two cents about the situation. Not enough people prayed, he said — because if they had, God would have intervened.

New blood

The state's hottest race

More and more political observers are saying Richard Lugar may be in trouble in his primary fight with Richard Mourdock. Here's The Weekly Standard:

After a lifetime of political good fortune in Indiana, Senator Richard Lugar can’t catch a break. He is facing what Politico calls his “toughest reelection campaign in decades,” and with the May 8 GOP primary looming, he desperately needs to repair relations with party conservatives.

Finally, an honest arsonist

Hoosier criminal genius of the week -- Benjamin Williams of Indianapolis, who confessed to setting nine fires at houses and garages, causing nearly $150,000 in property damages:

Williams told investigators that he started the fires because he was "drunk, stupid and bored," according to a probable cause affidavit.

Not exactly comprehensive

The American Cancer Society: You know, it's almost like the senators are doing this on purpose because secretly they don't really want the ban to pass:

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana senators on Tuesday gutted a proposal to ban smoking statewide, leading anti-tobacco advocates to oppose the severely weakened measure.

The fix is out

I know anybody can sue anybody else for absolutely anything. Still, someone who would bring a suit like this has some balls:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Screwing with the odds

Kinda scary if so many people are really this dumb:

A new review of condom research reveals some surprising findings: many people use them incorrectly.
