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I'm right, so just shut up!

As a lifelong mouth-shooter-offer, I'm torn between the idea that this so-called study is worthless crap and the fear that it is further proof that the online experience is turning the world upside-down:

Being confident and loud is the best way to win an argument - even if you are wrong, a new study suggests.

Last-legs report

Today's statement of the obvious:

The Postal Service lost $1.9 billion between January and March, and $15.9 billion last year. The 238-year-old institution loses $25 million each day, and has reached its borrowing limit with the federal Treasury. Daily mail delivery could be threatened within a year, officials say.

Out of the main stream

I'm not sure this is quite the big deal the TV people seem to think it is:

Disney's ABC network will become the first broadcast network to stream its shows live online through an ongoing service, starting with viewers of its TV stations in New York and Philadelphia on May 14 and expanding to its other stations by the end of the summer.

Posted in: Television, Web/Tech

Now, this is really sexting

Brave new world:

BLOOMIINGTON - Indiana University researchers have re-released a smartphone application that allows people to report their sexual behaviors after taking steps to protect users' privacy.

IU said in a news release Wednesday that it has released the free Kinsey Reporter app. University attorneys had pulled the plug on it last September.


Welcome to the Twidiocracy

Brave new world

Oh, yeah:

There, of course, have been awful weeks before, terrible tragedies, death, war, uncertainty, raw fear.

But this time, in our full-on, post-Sept. 11 surveillance society and freshly Twitterized media, we were able to experience each event in excruciating, exquisite detail.

Enjoy my shield, please

Where in the book are you?

As someone who now consumes about half his reading material with dead-tree editions and half with e-readers, I found this interesting:

The post-PC era

Wasn't hard to see this one coming, huh?

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The ailing personal computer market is getting weaker, and it's starting to look as if it will never fully recover as a new generation of mobile devices reshapes the way people use technology.
