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Opening Arguments

Get ready to fork it over

OK, show of hands: Who's shocked?

Democrats say they want to raise as much as $1 trillion in new revenues through tax reform later this year to balance Republican demands to slash mandatory spending.

Mom's packing

How dare she keep a gun in the same house with her kids! Whatever was this woman thinking of?

Mom's packing

How dare she keep a gun in the same house with her kids! Whatever was this woman thinking of?

Kruse control

Party lines

Appropriate, huh?

— Indiana's departing U.S.Sen. Richard is leaving the Senate with one last act of compromise in support of Congress' "fiscal cliff" deal.

Rotten to the Core

Local is better, so hooray for these two legislators:

INDIANAPOLIS — Two Republican state senators are pushing measures to decentralize school leadership in Indiana and pull the state out of a national education initiative.

Now, that's progress

The editors of The Journal Gazette like to say they have a "progressive" editorial page, which is an apt description since, among other things, they've seldom met a tax increase or government program they didn't like. So I was amazed -- shocked and amazed, I tell you! -- to see this column today from Editorial Page Editor Tracy Warner:

Life alert

Posted in: Science

Dead silence

Did we just go through the looking glass?

A federal judge on Wednesday rejected The New York Times' bid to force the U.S. government to disclose more information about its targeted killing of people it believes have ties to terrorism, including American citizens.


It's become pretty clear that envy is the only political philosophy President Obama ever had and class warfare the only policy he ever pursued:

Hey, let's unbundle, OK?

Speaking of technology:

Intel is reportedly on the cusp of delivering something that consumers around the world have been wanting for a long, long time.

Posted in: Television, Web/Tech

Wish you were here. Oh, wait, you are

Stormin' Norman

I neglected to say anything on the passing of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, someone I admired very much. If I had posted last week, it probably would have been overly sympathetic, the view of a former soldier of another soldier who did it longer and much better. This, I think, is a more balanced and accurate look at the general. On his role in the Gulf War:

Words escape me

The linguists at Lake Superior State University join me in distaste for the "fiscal cliff" metaphor, but not because it's innacurate or misleading (my contention). They seem to dislike it merely because it's been so overused.

"Fiscal cliff" heads the 38th annual "List of Words to be Banished from the Queen's English for Misuse, Overuse and General Uselessness" put out by Lake Superior State University in Michigan.

The teens

Here's something you can take off your worry list that you probably weren't paying attention to anyway:

Posted in: Current events

That old thing

Now, this is scary:

AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions.

[. . .]

Change us not

No ego problems here, eh?

Mitch Daniels says he believes he has changed Indiana‘s mindset, as his eight-year governorship draws to a close. Daniels‘ two terms were marked by a flood of new initiatives.

Take this car and shove it

An Indiana University study finds a not-very-surprising attitude about electric cars:

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - A study from the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs casts doubt on the Obama administration's goal of putting a million plug-in electric vehicles on the roads by 2015. But the study does find that consumers are more receptive to buying electric cars in some cities, including San Jose/San Francisco, Chicago and Boston.

Change agent

Piers Morgan is a silly ass:

On Monday’s episode of “Piers Morgan Tonight,” the British host called for a ‘gay marriage amendment’ to the Bible.


This seems like a pretty silly exercise in the obvious since, you know, Obama just got re-elected:

Washington (CNN) - A plurality of Americans think President Barack Obama will do a better job during his second term than he did in his first term in the White House, according to a new national survey.

Well, he could hardly do worse, could he?
