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Hoosier lore

Scared yet?

Eyes on the road, people!

Most drivers who admitted to using the internet while driving said they were most likely to do so while at a stop light or stuck in heavy traffic, but ISP troopers say fender benders are just too common when using a cell phone.

The study reported that just under a quarter of drivers with smart phones admitted to using the internet while driving.

Faith matters

I'm irritated by pushy sales clerks who keep pestering me while I'm trying to decide what -- or even whether -- to buy. I'm forced to deal with their agenda (to get me to spend my money) instead of being able to concentrate on mine, which is to sort through my needs and wants for a particular shopping excursion. That's why I appreciate car dealerships being closed on Sundays, remnant of our blue-law days it may be. I can comparison shop and narrow my choices down to a few, which I can then research on my own and even ask the salesman about, if I want to, later.

Stubborn man

Charlie White either doesn't get it or doesn't care:

Almost as soon as he was indicted on seven felony charges Thursday afternoon, pressure began mounting for Secretary of State Charlie White to step aside, with people in both parties -- including Gov. Mitch Daniels -- saying it's wrong for Indiana's top elections official to serve under the cloud of alleged voter fraud, theft and perjury.

A fine gesture

Hoosier House Republicans have voted to fine the hiding-in-Urbana Democrats $250 a day for their absence, starting Monday. Big whoop.

It is not clear whether Democrats will actually have to pay those fines. While fines have been issued in the House before, they have always been rescinded.

Accept no substitutes

Wishful thinking from a delusional NFL fan:

But what happens if a game or two is lost from the season? What happens if this thing drags into November? What happens if — gasp! — there is no NFL in 2011?

It would be smart to make a plan to keep that denial from turning into panic and despair. With that in mind, here are a few suggestions to help make those long, empty Sundays a little more bearable.

Pot luck

Education is a bargain

Fort Wayne Community Schools teachers get a "morale booster" from the school board:

The Fort Wayne Community Schools Board unanimously passed a resolution Monday night in support of keeping collective bargaining for teachers the way it currently is. 

Several teachers in the audience stood up and applauded after the vote.

Chicken dance

I noticed last week that the deserting Democrats of the Indiana House ramped up the rhetoric a little, going from defenders of the middle class to "sticking up for the working class." I suppose next it'll be the "huddled masses" they're in the corner of. Now, there is this ramping-up from the governor:

Indiana's governor denounced state Democrats who fled the state to halt debate on a right-to-work bill.

Take this rail and shove it


U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says 80 percent of the country would be served by high-speed rail service once a national network of lines is complete.

[. . .]

He compares high-speed rail today to where the interstate highway system was 50 years ago. After half a century, the dream of a national network of interstate highways has become a reality.

Let the hype begin

Super Bowl XLVI official logo revealed! Big whoop.

Kinda busy, isn't it? Shouldn't an effective logo be a little simpler and easier to grasp in a glance?

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports