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Run away, fun away!

Iron Lady

It's not particularly shocking that friends of Margaret Thatcher suspect the new Meryl Streep movie of her life might be a "leftwing fantasy." That's about what you'd expect given the opinion Hollywood and the right have of each other. But the reason for the suspicion is interesting:

Would you like to know more?

"Starship Troopers," Paul Verhoeven's movie take on the Robert Heinlein classic, is interesting in the casual way it shows us an advance in communications technology. Though supposedly set in the far future, the TV/Internet mixutre it shows us could be from tomorrow. People watching news shows are told to "click here" if they want to know more. And it looks like tomorrow just arrived:

Sweet talk

Well, guess we won't be hearing her sing the Monday night football song:

Susan Sarandon dropped a zinger or two when she appeared at the Bay Street Theatre Saturday for an interview with fellow actor Bob Balaban. The outspokenly political actress talked about Occupy Wall Street, recalled her run-ins with the NYPD over the Amadou Diallo case and called the current pope a "Nazi."

Always classy.

Brian's song

Did you happen to see this at one of the Occupy Space rallies recently?


Heeey, Willlbur:

Animal-centric pics have performed well for Fox, so the Fox 2000 arm is putting its latest bet on a talking horse named, of course, "Mr. Ed."

Studio has acquired feature film rights to the beloved TV series, which aired on CBS from 1961 to 1966.

Posted in: Film, Television

Yes, I am on Fire

Will the Kindle Fire make the 7-inch tabled really take off?

Say hello to my little friend

Big Harry deal

Oh, good grief:

For one group of about 20 friends who were counting down the hours until the midnight showing of the latest and last Harry Potter film, the movie signified the end of an era.

"It's almost like watching your childhood come to an end because we all grew up with these characters," said Tabitha Bolling, 19, of Red Lion.

Guess it's time to grow up and "watch your adulthood" then, as shallow as it might be.

Bree whiz!

Come on, admit it. Isn't it kind of cool that the Fort Wayne area has produced a porn star who was one of Charlies Sheen's "sex goddesses"?

She may have broken up with Charlie Sheen in April, but Bree Olson insists she's "still a goddess. I'm just not Charlie's goddess."
