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Politics and other nightmares


For the "here we go again" file:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is proposing strict new dietary guidelines for day cares that would prohibit them from frying food that is served to children.

Child care providers would also be formally required to provide children with water upon request, though they would face restrictions on how much apple juice and orange juice they serve.

It's the jews, or the guns

Be afraid

I'm not one of those yearning for a bipartisan love fest to end the political gridlock in Washington. In fact, I'm one of those who gets a little nervous when it looks like the two sides might stumble onto the same page. This makes me very nervous.


Oh, goody, goody, goody, more free stuff. Who doesn't like free stuff? "Free," as in "free for me" because you're paying for it:

President Barack Obama will need the approval of Congress to realize his proposal for making two years of community college free for students.

Shameless plug

I will be on WFWA, PBS Channel 39, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow with Journal Gazette Editorial Page Editor Karen Francisco, IPFW's Andy Downs and moderator Bruce Haines for the annual legislative preview edition of "PrimeTime 39." The early consensus among General Assembly watchers is that there won't be anything big or controversial like gay marriage or school prayer this year, so legislators will concentrate on the basics, such as education and a new two-year budget. But we don't always agree with conventional wisdom.

Today's inch

There's a bill awaiting the govenor's signature in Michigan that would make that state a true "shall issue" state for concealed weapons permits. (It's already supposed to be, but county gun boards, which the bill eliminates, can be tougher than the state). The bill is controversial for more than the usual "guns are evil" reasons:

Easy come, easy go

Congress can giveth:

A bipartisan group of lawmakers predicted Wednesday that the House could repeal ObamaCare’s tax on medical device sales by the end of March.

The latest effort at repeal, a bill introduced on Tuesday by Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.), already has the backing of well over half the House – including two dozen Democrats.

Really Kinky

Oh, for God's sake, lighten up. It was a freakin' joke:

We're sorry. What the hell were we thinking?

Supply and demand

Mitch McConnell gets lectured in The New Republic for his "economic ignorance" by a writer peddling a load of liberal crap:

No-rules schooling
