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Opening Arguments

Double down

The race is on!

When Ohio's four casinos open, Indiana may see its gambling revenue shrink, News and Tribune reported.

Indiana fiscal analysts predict the casinos will cut a $200 million to $300 million annual loss in gross gaming revenues at the state's 13 casinos. Indiana’s gaming revenues have fallen for the past two year.

The bike and the little woman

Advice from Gov. Daniels -- if you think the little woman is gonna be mad at you, well, just go ahead and lie to her:

NR for Mourdock

Add National Review to the list of conservative voices opting for Richard Mourdock over Richard Lugar:

Titanic disasters

Today's food-for-thought article -- "The Real Reason for the Tragedy of the Titanic." It wasn't hubris or negligence, as the current wisdom suggests. Maritime regulations had not been updated to account for a ship that big, and the Titanic was compliant with all the exiasting rules.

Gimme a break

Any victory for freedom, however small, is worth celebrating:


The California Supreme Court ruled Thursday that employers are under no obligation to ensure that workers take legally mandated lunch breaks in a case that affects thousands of businesses and millions of workers.

Take two for the team

Well, bless my soul:

Drinking alcohol may enhance a person’s problem solving skills, according to a new study.

Speaking of debates . . .

Interesting interview at reason.com with Sen. Jim DeMint. Couple of snippets;

reason: After the 2010 election you claimed that “you can’t be a fiscal conservative unless you’re also a social conservative.” Have you changed your thinking on that?

The debate

Reaction from all over to the Lugar-Mourdock debate. Real Clear Politics notes the "No Sparks Fly" civility of the encounter.

Junk patrol

Attention, citizens of South Greensburg, Pa. The Garage Sale Police will be in your neighborhoods on Wednesday. Please have all your family members lined up in front of your house with their sale permits ready for inspection. Violations will not be tolerated:

The certainty principle

Bobby Knight is railing against one-and-done, the phenomenon of graduating high school players who join an NCAA team for just one season before going on to the NBA. Nobody much likes it, but other coaches realize they have to deal with it:

An interesting commatary

I like the clever play on words in this headline -- Fanfare for the Comma Man -- and the article is pretty interesting, too. The writer, a university of Delaware English professor, correctly notes that the use of punctuation evolves over time and that often what's used is a matter of personal preference as much as the rules of grammar. The evolution has been speeded up considerably by -- well, you know what:

Black hole

A perfect example of the law of unintended consequences:

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) -- U.S. coal exports reached their highest level in two decades last year as strong demand from Asia and Europe offered an outlet for a fuel that is falling from favor at home.

[. . .]

Born to be nice

The outsiders

Something to think about as we wait for the single Lugar-Mourdock debate tonight (7-8 p.m., check your listings but I do know it will be on WANE):

The Tea Party has lost a number of its top election targets this year, leaving Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) to emerge as public enemy No. 1 for national conservative groups — and poll numbers suggest they could get their man.

Adios, vecinos

The good news is that illegal immigration from Mexico is now effectively zero. The bad news is why:

See ya, Rick

Too bad:

Rick Santorum announced Tuesday that he will suspend his presidential campaign but vowed “we are not done fighting.”

Hire the handicapped

Aw, just 9 more minutes, please

This is just too fiendish to contemplate:


There is no snooze button. If you unplug it, a battery takes over. As wake-up time approaches, you cannot reset the alarm time.

It could be the world's most exasperating alarm clock.

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