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Opening Arguments

Lights out

I've been railing against red-light cameras for years, and I haven't seen any evidence to convince me the things add anything beneficial to the human condition, including the latest:


The fight between Rand Paul and Marco Rubio over President Obama's "normalization with Cuba" move is a good place to start in understanding all the arguments invovled. They are both likely presidential candidates and represent almost completely different factions within the GOP, so this is an early glimpse into an evolving foreign policy debate.

Ho, ho, oh, no

Oh, dear. First day back from vacation, and I'm gonna go all Scrooge on you.

You can kid yourself that encouraging your kids to believe in Santa Claus isn't really "lying," but don't kid yourself that you're not setting them up to be traumatized somewhere down the road.

Be right back

On vacation. Back on Monday, Dec. 22.

Posted in: All about me

Pretty ugly

So, I guess it's possible to be pretty and ugly at the same time:

Police arrested a former Miss Indiana for public intoxication and disorderly conduct Wednesday.

Terrin Thomas reeked of alcohol when she drunkenly tried to find her boyfriend's apartment early Wednesday, police said. Miss Indiana 2013 allegedly banged on doors and screamed, "let me in" for half an hour, enraging sleeping neighbors.

Pay grade

Lot of good reasons for City Council members to give only Clerk Sandy Kennedy a raise and vote no on a raise for themselves. This is the best one:

By a 6-3 vote, members then awarded only Kennedy the raise, with some members expressing discomfort in voting themselves a raise — especially in the same year in which they ended collective bargaining for non-public safety city employees.

Latest from the "party of ideas"

Juxtaposition of the day:

First up, "Dems push to revive failed gun control legislation"

Nice and mean

Posted in: Science

Bless the miners

I missed Miner's Day, but somebody (OK, my sister) pointed out to me that it was Saturday. Here's a nice little coal-mining song to get you into the spirit of the celebration, "Coal Dust on the Tombstone." It sounds old-timey, but as far as I can tell, it was written relatively recently. The singer-songwriter who sounds a lot like Judy Collins is actually Kay Smith Elliott.

Posted in: All about me

Take it back

Giving back free stuff -- somehow, I don't think it will beome a trend:

NEW ALBANY, Ind. - A southern Indiana police chief plans to return four Humvee vehicles his department received as military surplus this year from the Department of Defense.

New Albany Police Chief Todd Bailey says the vehicles were acquired by his predecessor as chief and that he's found they don't fit the department's needs.

Soft despotism

I know there have been a lot of  "The Eric Garner case is/is not about race" stories, but I think this piece, arguing that it is "worse than racism" is important

A tortuous report


This seems like a ditinction that's hard to justify:

Today, the Obama administration will reveal new updates to its guidelines on racial profiling. Politico explains the new guidelines will tighten “limits on the practice but still allow federal law enforcement agencies to employ it at airports and along the border.”

Awful idea of the day

Sorry, Gov. Pence, but your strong and misguided support for a national shield law took us down the road on which an Alabama state senator thinks he has the right and ability to decide who a "legitimate" journalist is:

Freedom of the press is essential. Freedom of the press is important to me. Freedom of the press is not going anywhere in Alabama.

Ten-hut! Dismissed!

Been there, done that: After 13 years of war, troops feel burned out and without a sense of mission. More doubt their leaders and their job security.

Hee-Haw Hillary

OK, we've done awesome. Now let's do truly awful. You'll have to look hard to find anything as entertaning (in a watching-a-train-wreck kind of way) as this cheesy, cringe-inducing country song  about the virtues of Hillary Clinton. Yessiribob, that's gonna make me run right out and sign up for her campaign. Because, you know . . .


17 states to Obama: Nuh-uh

Nice to see Indiana in the vanguard once again, becoming one of 17 stares (led, naturally, by Texas) filing a lawsuit against President Obama's decision to create legal status for millions of illegal immigrants by executive action:

The camera didn't help

Today's editorial speaks in favor of the push for police body cameras in the wake of the Ferguson, Mo., cop-kills-unarmed-teenager incident. This is the penultimate paragraph:

Pssst,, marriage is back
