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Opening Arguments

Driving us crazy

Enjoy driving on Indiana freeways while you can, before they become one giant speed trap. Spurred by the state's budget shortfall and inspired by the huge number of tickets Maryland has been able to write under a similar program, two Indiana legislators want to start using a "work zone freeway speed camera" program (added emphasis mine):

State of gr

Ah, maybe a pleasant winter and an early spring. With the state strapped for cash, it is speculated that Gov. Daniels will use his State of the State address tonight to focus on smaller issues and how to keep the state solvent, rather than proposing bold new initiatives as he has in the past. And:

But he's likely to spend just as much time patting the legislature on the back.

You read it here second

Thank God for The Wall Street Journal. Otherwise, we might not have the incisive insight that "Turnout Is Key in Massachusetts Battle":

Uncle Sam's yard sale

Dang, of course a great bargain would show up while I'm still paying off the Christmas-gift purchases:

This is education?

A Hoosier teacher wonders why Indiana bothered to set new standards requiring all potential teachers to major in their field of study and minor in education:

Gaga me with a spoon

The Chicago Sun-Times, believe it or not, has a blog devoted exclusively to Chicago's favorite talk show host -- "All Oprah. All the the time," says the subhead. The buzz on there Friday was about Lady Gaga, who canceled a Thursday night performance at Purdue University claiming illness ("An hour before the show I was feeling dizzy and had trouble breathing," she tweeted later):

Sacred cows in a rat race

I love a good animal cliche:

Martha Coakley: A Democratic Canary in a Coalmine?

OK, so I'm a cheapskate

You can get tickets to Saturday night's NFL game between the Colts and Ravens for $100 to $700, or you could pop for a $20,000 luxury suite for yourself and 19 friends. Sure, that's pricey, but at least the Colts will be trying to win this time. If they do, and make it all the way to the Super Bowl, maybe you'd like to save your money for that:

Super Bowl tickets are selling on the secondary market for anywhere from $1,700 to $370,000.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Public heat

As a strong supporter of both the First and Second Amendments, I'm finding this a tough call. An Indiana House committee has approved a bill that would keep secret the names of people in a government database of those granted permits to carry guns:

Safe for diversity

As many as eight Army officers could face discipline for ignoring or missing plenty of signals that Maj. Nidal Hasan might pose a threat:

Hasan got passing grades and a promotion in part because disturbing information about his behavior and performance was not recorded by superiors or properly passed to others who might have stepped in, the report found.

Posted in: Uncategorized

Jet set

I opened this story because my quick glance at the headline -- "Unsung heroes keep Jets moving forward -- because I thought it might be about the people behind the scenes making sure relief keeps flowing to Haiti. If I'd looked a little closer, I would have noticed the capital "J" and known not to bother:

Gender gape

The Dallas Morning News, apparently finally in touch with the political issues from 1970 or thereabouts, advises Texas GOP gubernatorial candidates Rick Perry, Kay Bailey Hutchison and Debra Medina to avoid "gender pitfalls" in their debate:

Too big but not evil

Something those of us with a libertarian bent should be careful of:

If you reflect only scorn for government, it's hard to get anyone who hasn't already drunk the Kool-Aid to take your opinions on the topic seriously.

This is not to disparage the argument that government is too large, for which the case is strong. But holding government in sneering contempt is a misinformed corruption of that sentiment.

Doom and gloom

We're all going to die! Just not as soon as we had imagined. The good news is that the folks at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have moved the hands of their Doomsday Clock one minute back from midnight, to six minutes before the hour. The bad news is that they've added something else to their fretting besides atomic Armageddon:

Comic relief

Nobody can add insult to injury quite like Pat Robertson:

You know ... something happened a long time ago in Haiti.

Lookee here, early adopters

Will the Think City electric car save Elkhart? The cars will cost "under $20,000" initially, but that's minus the battery (which will be leased) and including a $7,500 federal tax credit and other incentives. What will drivers get for the money? Test driver Jim Motavallli reports:

Fee at last

One argument used by opponents of putting the property tax caps into the state constitution is that stupid Hoosier voters will be unhappy when they realize what they actually asked for, i.e., they will suddenly stop getting services they want and need that property taxes once upon a time paid for. Then I suppose they will fall down on their knees and admit their shortsightedness while begging their kind and wise public servants to please, please, please raise their taxes again.

Sign of the times

Republican Mike Sodrel has decided to enter Indiana's 9th District congressional race, so there'll be a fifth straight matchup between Sodrel and incumbent Democrat Baron Hill. Hill is up 3-1 in the first four races, and in his favor this time is the fact that President Obama carried Indiana for the first time since LBJ.

Guns at work

The Senate Corrections, Criminal and Civil Matters Committee has passed a bring-your-gun-to-work bill (SB 25), which would prevent employers from having policies that ban weapons from workplace property. The Indiana Chamber of Commerce, representing nearly 5,000 member companies with 800,000 workers, is urging defeat of the bill as a workplace-safety move:


One of the more intersting aspects of the Harry Reid case is how oddly anachronistic he sounded with "Negro dialect." He has let time pass him by, apparently unaware that Negro has gone from favored word to taboo word.
