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Opening Arguments

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A little gun angst

I meant to write something about this yesterday, but the election candidates starting filing through, and I forgot about it. Does this worry anybody?

Indiana State Police are switching to an online gun permitting system that will bring end to the use of paper applications for those permits.

[. . .]

Shadow boxing

This is just about insane:

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said at a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Wednesday that granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in the United States could encourage terrorists among them to come out of the shadows.

Dating game

No help for Hillary

So, last night I watched the series premiere of "Madame Secretary," which conservatives have been slamming for months as a liberal Hollywood plot to pave the way for Hillary Clinton's presidential run. You know -- tough-talking, blonde secretary of state takes on the establishment and blah, blah, blah.

The voters speak

So, when an important issue is at stake, I guess people will get off their lazy butts and go to the polls:

Scotland has voted to stay in the United Kingdom after voters decisively rejected independence.

With the results in from all 32 council areas, the "No" side won with 2,001,926 votes over 1,617,989 for "Yes".

[. . .]

Reporting for duty

In a recenbt post I remarked on the silence of the antiwar crowd now that one of their fellow progressives is the war monger. I think I even said something like, "Where's Code Pink?" So I would be remiss if I did not note that Code Pink is indeed staying on message in the great war debate. But there is a certain strangeness to their opposition, which even Lurch is smart enough to see:

Wave goodbye now

There was some talk a few weeks ago about a "wave election" for Republicans, but now things have tightened up. One poll even sayd Democrats have a 51 percent chance of keeping control of the Senate. So what happened? Consider this:


Natural-born killers

Finally, something that isn't my fault:

Paris (AFP) - Chimpanzees can be lethally violent to each other but this stems from an inherent streak and not, as some have suggested, from human interference, a study said on Wednesday.

Posted in: Science

President Privilege

Flop sweat

During this 50th anniversary year of the War on Poverty, that effort is being called a "colossal flop" because, 1: it has cost taxpayers a whopping $22 trillion but, 2: around 14 percent of Americans are still poor. In fact, we were doing pretty good at whittling away at poverty and the War on Poverty seemed to have stopped the progress dead.

The Great Re-Weaving

With the Industrial Revolution came the Great Concentration -- an agglomeration of territories, a centralization of capital and production that propelled the world into a new and prosperous era but also gave rise to the lunatic Marx and all who came after him. Now, with the Communications Revolution, we have the Great Re-Weaving:

Crossing the lines

Pity the NFL. Stung by criticism of its fumbling of the Ray Rice controversy, it seems befuddled about how to handle accusations against Adrian Peterson:

The worst ever!

I confess to sometimes getting caught up in the just-short-of-hysterical reporting and commentating that seem to be the common practice these days:

Eat it

I guess you know this means war

Wow. Guess the administration is finally serious about fighting terrorism. We are actually going to send in 3,000 troops to . . . oh, wait, never mind:

Gap attack

This seem a little skewed to anybody else?

Rising income inequality in the U.S. appears to be slowing tax revenue growth in Indiana and other states, according to a new report by the credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s.

The report found that the rising wealth of the top 1 percent richest Americans has been accompanied by a three-decade-long slowdown in states’ revenue streams.

Anything goes

Opponents of same-sex marriage who argued that abadoning the traditional one man-one woman definition would lead no standards at all were dimissed as reactionary, patriarchal homophobes. But now that gay marriage is but one Supreme Court decision away from being the law of the land, some are beginning to open that door. Here is Sally, Kohn, for example, wondering why polygamy should be any different:

A separate path

I've tried to follow the debate over Scottish independence, honestly I have. But I can't really work up enough enthusiasm to care much one way or the other. But I found this interesting:
