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Opening Arguments


19-year old Alison Lesch of Auburn faces a preliminary charge of attempted murder for putting her hours-old newborn daugher in a garbage bag and leaving her in a Dumpster. It is being suggested that she could have avoided the whole unpleasantness of being arrested if she had just been thinking clearly:

Fanning the flames

Have I missed something?

Anti-abortion Democrats have reignited the national abortion wars with their victory Saturday on an amendment to House health care legislation that would prevent women from obtaining abortions through government-sponsored insurance or any plan that receives government subsidies.

Bunny hop

Events have pulled us into ultra seriousness lately, so let's do one just for fun:

Posted in: Science


I swear, I can't leave you people alone for a second. I take one little week off, then come home to discover no one has killed cap and trade or health care reform yet. In fact, the march toward statism is so far along I wonder if the whole concept of freedom is starting to sound like just a rightwing rant.

Fort Hood

What is it they say, God takes care of drunks and fools? He must also keep an eye out occasionally for journalist bloggers, who often exhibit characteristics of both.

Puckish peeves and Peepsqueaks

I've reached another milestone in my life by having breakfast with Wolfgang Puck. Well, not exactly with him, but with numerous photos of him staring at me from the walls of his franchised eatery at the Indianapolis airport. My sister and I got to the airport early and hungry on Saturday morning for our trip to Texas, and Puck's was the closest place to our departure gate.

Posted in: All about me

Stay tuned

I'm taking next week off to visit my brother in Texas. I might post a few photos from Hill Country, though, if you feel like checking in occasionally.

Posted in: All about me

Secret menyus

One of the cool things about become a regular at a restaurant is that you learn about the things only the regulars know -- food items that aren't on the menu but which you can get by knowing to ask for them. Apparently, fast-food places have secret items, too. Out of the 10 listed here, I'll just highlight the smallest and the biggest:

Posted in: Food and Drink

A duty to report?

It's not absolute, but we have something called the "American bystander rule." (pdf file) In the United States in general, we do not have have a legal duty to intervene if someone else is in danger (regardless of whatever moral duty we might or might not have). Would we be better served with something like the Good Samaritan rule in Europe and some jurisdictions here that requires intervention, at least of the level of reporting a crime?


Aw, shucks, don't mention it. Glad to be of service:

MUNCIE -- Carol Schafer has been looking for work since she and 10 other employees at Radiology Associates and Bethel Billing were laid off Nov. 8, 2008.

Now Schafer is considering expanding her job search to include nursing homes, an industry she thinks might provide more stability than others.


Isn't "branding" one of the biggest scams in the world? Consultants make millions convincing communities they can sell the sizzle instead of delivering the steak. The latest suckers in Indiana are in the northwest part of the state:

The Indiana Dunes in Porter County is perhaps the eighth wonder of the world.

That's one of the statements from a working tourism poster that county tourism leaders fashioned with national tourism experts.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


OK, everybody stop whatever you're doing and watch the zoo's new baby giraffe on the live zoo cam. Come on, you know you want to.

Posted in: Our town

This is just wrong

Baltimore Sun photo
Baltimore Sun photo

It's not enough for some people to lose their own dignity on Halloween, prancing around in&#

Posted in: History

Growing pains

Fishers has seen an increase in property crime in the last few years, and since "it is unclear why," somebody has to explain it to befuddled residents:

Experts say changes in crime have little to do with the economy. Instead, they say Fishers' growth likely is a factor in the increase.

Pay up or else

They're trying to scare the peasants in three Indiana school districts where there are spending referendums necessitated by the state's evil property tax caps designed to, well, reduce spending:

If approved, the referendum changes would be in effect for seven years. If they fail, leaders say they would be forced to make drastic cuts and possibly slash transportation.

Timing is everything

When Indiana leased its toll road for $3.8 billion in 2006, a lot of critics accused the Daniels administration of giving away the state, but a lot of other state governments looked to follow that example and the one three years earlier involving Chicago Skyway lease. There were proposals on the table worth at least $10 billion for the leasing of everuthing from highways to lotteries. But that was before the recession:

You won't believe this, but . . .

Having solved all other problems, Indiana University now devotes some of those research dollars to . . . office gossip. Researchers observed meetings and even taped 13 of them and came to this startling conclusion:

 "Be aware that what is going on is a form of politics and it's a form of politics that can be a weapon to undermine people who aren't present. But it also can be a gift. If people are talking positively it can be a way to enhance someone's reputation."

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Trick or tweet

Nothing is left to chance these days, not even how much of a haul a kid might make trick-or-treating:

Small stuff

Media alert! The Obama daughters have gotten their swine flu shots. But, wait, a potential controversy!

The vaccinations are bound to raise questions about whether the Obama girls were given special treatment.

Flu fakes

Posted in: Hoosier lore