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Trial by press

Richard Jewell, the security guard who should have been a hero but was labeled a terrorist, has died at 44:

The Jewell episode led to soul-searching among news organizations about the use of unattributed or anonymously sourced information. His very name became shorthand for a person accused of wrongdoing in the media based on scanty information.

Slow fade

The U.S. is in decline -- and has been for three centuries:

The sounds of silence

Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone? You also don't know how special something was until you're overwhelmed with it.

The real parallels

The trouble with arguing historical analogies:

But Mr. Bush's statement also revived a perennial question. Whenever a public officials starts to say “the lesson of,” is that a cue to stop listening?

The mask

All of us have crises of faith, go through days and years wondering why we're still doing what we're doing, live in terror of  the rest of the world catching on that we're faking it. But the agonizing doubt and spiritual pain endured by Mother Teresa are unimaginable:



Jack McClellan has been arrested, and his case is a striking example of how we can so screw up the law. He's the spooky dirtbag who has operated a Web site that told pedophiles where to find young kids, how to stalk them, how to avoid detection. But that's not what he was charged with. After gaining notoriety in Washington for his Web site, he relocated to California, where a judge issued a ridiculous restraining order against him: Never be within 30 feet of a child in this state.

GI Jane

I was first drawn to this story just because the headline -- "Rules on Women Unclear -- seemed perfect for a snide retort -- yeah, to me, too! But the story below the headline is quite serious:

The Army is following Pentagon policy barring the assignment of women to units whose primary mission is ground combat, but the policies are difficult to understand, according to new study of the issue.

The way we are

Diversity isn't all it's cracked up to be:

IT HAS BECOME increasingly popular to speak of racial and ethnic diversity as a civic strength. From multicultural festivals to pronouncements from political leaders, the message is the same: our differences make us stronger.

Wounded 1

I'm as much of a warmonger as the next guy, but I'm not sure of the point of this:

Governor Mitch Daniels made his second visit to northeast Indiana in two days, this time to announce the new name for State Road 1.

SR 1, which runs from more than 100 miles through eastern Indiana, is now named the Purple Heart Memorial Highway.

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