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Hoosier lore

Woman's work

Is The Journal Gazette being a little tough on the state here?

News that Indiana finished 43rd among the states for women’s quality of life will come as no surprise to State Rep. Linda Lawson. The Hammond Democrat has watched as the legislature has become increasingly hostile on the very issues defining the survey.

Room for debate

"Can't see the forest for the trees" political analysis -- here's Franklin College's journalism directorJohn Krull  on the Lugar-Mourdock race:


Fashion statements

Hoosier fashion on parade! In Anderson, they're talking about relaxing somewhat the dress code instituted in the school system almost five years ago:


A rock band called Awaken the Dead makes so much noise the neighbors complain? What a shock:

KOKOMO, Ind. (AP) - Members of a rock band are keeping up a fight to practice at their home despite a central Indiana city's 24-hour-a-day noise ordinance.

Game changers

For the  "can't leave well enough alone" file, we have two stories about basketball. First:

The Indiana High School Athletic Administration and state Sen. Mike Delph, R-Carmel, on Wednesday detailed a series of town hall meetings in which residents can express their opinions about single-class and multiple-class basketball.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Courting trouble

The Muncie Star Press, stuck in a "the court must look like us" group identity rut:

Quick. Can you name any justices on the Indiana Supreme Court?

If you can't, don't feel bad. Just do a Google search and you'll get the answer. And you'll notice one other thing: There are no females sitting on the five-member high court.

Fickle fans

Indiana sports fans, you suck:

When you compare how loyal Chicago fans are to the Cubs, Green Bay fans are to the Packers, Detroit fans are to the Red Wings, and New York fans are to the Yankees, Indiana fans make the infamously vapid Los Angeles fanbase look good in comparison.

[. . .]

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Safe at last

Well, that was fun, let's not do it again:

Local government reform will not be a front-burner issue in the 2012 governor's race. Indiana has 3,086 local governments and 10,000 officeholders -- a potent political force in opposition to government restructuring.

Not quite hysteria

Hey, Hoosiers know what's important in life:

Indiana still boasts 12 of the nation’s 13 largest high school gyms. That is one reason people continue to romanticize the state’s relationship to basketball.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Welcome to the circus

If all he's got going for him is "name recognition," he'd better think again; 2004 is a loooong time ago in Short Attention Span America:


Former reality TV star Rupert Boneham said he thinks he has a real shot at becoming Indiana’s next governor after being nominated as a third-party choice Saturday.
