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Hoosier lore

The eff you say!

Was this an overreaction -- would a suspension have been more a more just punishment than an expulsion?

An Indiana high school senior has been expelled for a Tweet he says was posted from home on his personal account.

Who the heck cares?

Fall guy

If tolerance of gays gets our troops killed by jihadists, and our generally wicked ways can cause hurricanes, I guess a little football karma isn't out of the question in the wrath-of-God department:

Televangelist Pat Robertson is not happy with the Broncos shipping out Tim Tebow. So unhappy that he's wishing Peyton Manning bad karma.

Say, that's some hotel bill

It's getting harder and harder for Sen. Lugar to put the residency controversy behind him:

Indiana Sen. Dick Lugar’s residency problems just grew more uncomfortable: He’s reimbursing the Treasury for erroneously billing taxpayers for a series of hotel stays in Indianapolis in recent years.


Gun noise

Good piece in the National Review on the killing of 17-year-old Trayson Martin by "neighborhood watch" vigilante and cop wannabe George Zimmerman. It makes an important point that those committed to armed self-defense must also commit to the principle that those who bear arms must act responsibly:


Talk about landing on your feet after getting fired:


The Denver Broncos have a new quarterback and his name is Peyton Manning. Team owner Pat Bowlen along with VP John Elway introduced Manning at a Tuesday afternoon press conference.

Step away!

Bad call

Hmmmm. Mitch Daniels on how much he values a booming economy:

Brian's (swan) song

Let's hear it for one of our favorite Hoosier natives and Purdue graduates:

Brian Lamb, who created the revolutionary nonprofit cable television network C-Span in the late 1970s and has been its public face ever since, is handing it over to two lieutenants, Rob Kennedy and Susan Swain.

Peyton pick

Really? They'll trade their good quarterback at the very beginning of his career so they can get someone with only two or three good years left?
