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Hoosier lore

Vroom, vroom

The General Assembly is getting out of an area it shouldn't have been involved with in the first place:

Indiana’s motorcycle dealers will be allowed to buy and sell their bikes on Sundays under a change in state law that legislators have approved.  The Indiana House voted 68-31 on Monday in favor of the bill removing the current ban on Sunday motorcycle sales.

Up against the wall

Footprints in the sand

It's loony tune time at the Dunes:

A suspected Bigfoot sighting a little more than three years ago in the environs of Indiana Dunes State Park (IDSP) has led Animal Planet’s Bigfoot Finders to Duneland.

The episode of Finding Bigfoot will air at 9 p.m. Sunday, March 4, on Animal Planet.

Gas attack

Gov. Mitch Daniels says Preisdent Obama is to blame for higher prices at the pump:

Let's give the president credit for one domestic policy that works. He wanted higher gas prices and he got them," said Daniels on Fox News Sunday.

Junk the options

Here's a stunner. Under Indiana law, at least half the food in Indiana school vending machines must be "healthy choice options" lole dried apple slices and baked chips and low-fat pretzels. But guess what:

Rick's in

So sorry. Not.

In the course of apologizing for the tone of his anti-Girl Scout remarks (they were "emotional, reactionary and inflammatory") but standing by the substance (he still doesn't like the national organization and won't sign no stinkin' resolution), Bob Morris said an odd (to me) thing. He mentioned that he intended that his remarks reach only the limitied audience of his Republican Indiana House colleagues. And:

Live and learn

I got an email this morning taking me to task for a word I used in yesterday's editorial about the Lugar residency controversy. I wrote that the U.S. Constitution says a senator must be a "resident" of the state one is elected to represent. But the word actually used in the Constitution is "inhabitant." Fair enough -- that was just careless of me. I write about the Constitution a lot, and I should get the words right.

Hard tablet to swallow

Is this a good idea?

GREENTOWN - A school in north-central Indiana is hoping to increase literacy by issuing iPads to kindergarten students.

The Kokomo Tribune reports that Eastern Elementary School in Greentown, 10 miles east of Kokomo, plans to buy about 100 tablets to be given to students in August.

No names, please

In at least a partial victory for free speech, the Indiana Court of Appeals has reversed the order of a lower cour directing the Indianapolis Star to reveal the name of an anonymous poster to its website. Someone can't get a name just by alleging he was defamed; he has to show some proof he was actually damaged. This will have a less chilling effect on robust speech than the original ruling.
