Oh, come on guys! You, too? Really?
President Obama held an off-the-record meeting with five conservative journalists on Tuesday afternoon.
Oh, come on guys! You, too? Really?
President Obama held an off-the-record meeting with five conservative journalists on Tuesday afternoon.
For the "would be funny if it weren't scary" file:
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The man drew the gun several times on the crowded San Francisco commuter train, with surveillance video showing him pointing it across the aisle without anyone noticing and then putting it back against his side, according to authorities.
The fearless Washington press corps at the president's press briefing:
Half a century ago, working quietly in a New Orleans laboratory, Ruth Benerito helped smooth the fabric of modern life. In so doing, she helped liberate people from hours of household drudgery.
Shutdown? You say there's a government shutdown?
The Pentagon is sending $50 million cargo planes straight from the assembly line to mothballs because it has no use for them, yet it still hasn’t stopped ordering the aircraft, according to a report.
Here's something so dumb it sounds like something I would do:
A $1 million winning Powerball ticket sold in Jeffersonville six months went unclaimed after the deadline for presenting it passed Monday, the Hoosier Lottery said.
I'll bet some of you haven't even packedyet:
The musician-turned-activist reckons the world will end in 2030 - leading to the extinction of humankind.
Sir Bob, 61, based his miserable prediction on the effects of climate change.
“The world can decide in a fit of madness to kill itself," he told a group of youngsters at a summit in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Talk about every cloud having a silver lining, huh?
Awww, and I forgot to even send a birthday card:
Wow, maybe I should take this climate change business seriously after all:
But in Ben Tracy’s story, which mentioned the IPCC’s latest report, he said that oceans have absorbed much of the heat caused by CO2 and that ocean temperatures have risen only slightly.
This is apparently a story from last year, but I just saw somebody post about it today and decided I had to share it:
Angry White Boy has an interesting post about the city putting QR codes on its new "Wayfinding" signage as if it's a big innovation when, in fact, QR codes are now outdated and mostly unused:
I was going to lay off from what conservative critics have started calling Shutdown Theater for a few days. But this is just too good:
The monuments and memorials in Washington and Philadelphia will once again be open to visitors, provided they’re there for “First Amendment activity,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters Wednesday.
1984 finally arrives, just 29 years late:
Using Department of Motor Vehicles records as its core, the state government is quietly developing a master identity database of Virginia residents for use by state agencies.
I say we should have a day of mourning or at least a moment of silence:
CROWN POINT, Indiana — People who live or work in northwestern Indiana's Lake County will soon find their paychecks a little smaller as the state begins collections for the last of the state's 92 counties to impose a local income tax.
This is what I've been saying. I wish a lot more people would make the same observation:
OK, Second Amendment fans, was this a justified arrest or a justified shooting?
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) — The owner of a South Texas convenience store has been arrested for murder after shooting a man attempting to steal beer from his shop.
Would a government shutdown hurt the economy? Let's ask the people who should know: