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Opening Arguments


Cognitive dissonance:

Our bubbled mainstream media got a serious crash-course in reality this week with the revelations that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio don’t hate gays, and that Bruce Jenner, who is in the process of transitioning into a woman, remains a Christian Republican.


So much damage to do, so little time left:

The man who arrived in Washington six years ago to “transform” the nation has already done considerable harm, and he still has more than 18 months to strip America of the values, traditions and character that made it “the exceptional nation.”

Ready for a little muppet action?

Is the world really ready for a revival of "The Muppets" that is "more adult"?

No, no, do not let him go

Should John Hinckley be released from psychiatric custody? As Ed Morrissey points out, he is already mostly out. He stays with his mother in a gated community for 17 days every month. Now his lawyer, Barry Levine, say he has been in "full and stable remission for more than two decades" and is "clinically ready" to live full-time outside a mentl hospital:

Killer question

Democrats don't have to even think about immigration reform, let alone answer tough questions about it. They just say it's wrong to discriminate and America is the nation of immigrants, and their base thinks that's just fine. But Republicans do have to think about it, because it's an issue their base cares a lot about. So presidential candidates have to sound tough enough for the base but not so tough it scares the "moderates" away in a general election.

First amendment mistake

George Will on why today’s very lame and PC mindset, and why free speech is more threatened today than it was during the eras of the Alien & Sedition Acts, or the Red Scares. “Today’s attack is different. It is an attack on the theory of free speech. It is an attack on the desirability of free speech . . . What we have today is an attack on the very possibility of free speech. The belief is that the First Amendment is a mistake.”

The ketchup wars


I'd gotten to the point where I thought the lunatics in charge of the nation's security could not possibly show any more contempt for the military than they already had. I'm beyond that point now:

Cheap rights

This weird, weird world just got a lot weirder:

Hercules and Leo, who are currently used for biomedical experiments at Stony Brook University on Long Island, were granted habeas corpus by Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Barbara Jaffe.

Cursive, foiled again!

Lost cause of the day:

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A longtime supporter of requiring Indiana schools to teach cursive writing is making her fifth attempt to restore the skill to Indiana's curriculum.

President What's-her-name

Hillary Clinton is starting to bore me silly. So are the vacuous pontificators ever on the search for the deep meaning surrounding her candidacy: This is from an actual article in an actual newspaper:

Word power

Interesting words I encountered while wandering through the blogosphere.

synecdoche (si-NEK-duh-kee). n.  -- a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special. "Nice set of wheels" to mean "nice car" is an example of synecdoche, as is "you ain't no Einstein" to impugn someone's intelligence.

4-20, good buddy

Happy National Pot Smokers' Day! Actually, it's probably illegal to celebrate it here, so maybe just dream about that beer you can now have at an Indiana State Fair concert.

Have they got a deal for you

Military unreadiness

Well, duh:

More than half of some 770,000 soldiers are pessimistic about their future in the military and nearly as many are unhappy in their jobs, despite a six-year, $287 million campaign to make troops more optimistic and resilient, findings obtained by USA TODAY show.

Back offa my stuff

I'm in a contrarian mood today, so this post got my day off to a good start: Stop forcing your kids to share:

Of course we want our children to get along with other people, and making them share their toys with friends seems like a step on that road.

But maybe there are other virtues we are stifling with this whole forced sharing business.

Bad idea, round 2

Here we go again:

Lawmakers in Indiana are weighing a measure that would require some welfare recipients to undergo drug testing and risk losing their benefits if they failed.

[. . .]

The proposed change would require welfare recipients considered high-risk for drug abuse to be tested, as well as those who had previously been charged with a drug-related crime.

There will be a record of this

This is interesting:

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) – A change to Fort Wayne’s city policies and procedures will require employees to get written permission to record a conversation with another employee.

Indiana is a one-party consent state, meaning a person can record a conversation they are having with another person without the other person knowing.

Anything goes

Those who predicted that changing the definition of marriage would open the floodgates to just about anything the human mind could imagine were dismissed as reactionary, alarmist troglodytes. The back and forth has only intestified since the greater Indiana RFRA freakout, and progressives feel a lot safer intesifying the vilification of the conservatives' warnings.

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